I Will Not Post That, Sam I Am

Why we should be choosier about who we follow

Dee Shihady


Photo by Catherine Hammond on Unsplash

Blogs for this and posts for that…would you like them with a hat? On a mat? No, not that! I do not like some blogs and damn, I do not like them Sam I Am.

We have entered the world where our every thought is now turned into a blog or post for others to peruse and consider. I’m about free speech and I also believe you can learn something from everyone. However, I’m not sure yet if posting our every thought is good or bad. Like a Dr. Seuss book for children, I see the post mania skittering out of control with fish and hats and crazy characters flying in every direction.

I want to believe that what I have to say will have some value to others but I often wonder just how buried it will become. If it is lost among the many other blogs, posts, articles, and newsletters and no one sees it, does it still exist? If a tree falls in the woods and all.

We consider ourselves lucky when we are being “followed” though 20 years ago that would have meant being stalked. The stalker was always after a warm body to share his misery with. Hmmm, I do see this motivation still peeking through. Often those following us are only doing so in exchange for a warm body on their own post.



Dee Shihady

Humorist and poet. Author of Laughing at the Storms. Family and Adoption Educator and part of the sandwich generation.