Jay Leno’s Collection and Mine

Life lessons from collectors and collections

Lorie Kleiner Eckert
Published in
5 min readSep 4, 2021


Imaged created by Lorie Kleiner Eckert on Canva

Did you know that comedian, Jay Leno, has a car collection worth over $52 million? The exact number of vehicles fluctuates because he is routinely buying and selling, but according to an article in DuPont Registry Daily from April 2021, there were 181 cars and 160 motorcycles.

I report this to you not because I want to talk about vehicles or about Jay Leno, but because I want to talk about collecting things. My ultimate goal is to point out an important life lesson — or perhaps it’s an arithmetic lesson — that a little bit plus a little bit adds up to a whole lot. There are fabulous implications to this fact.

But before I get to that, let’s talk about the history and motivation behind collecting. Let’s talk about what people collect — including weird collections and gross collections. Let’s hear about a few more celebrities — does Johnny Depp really collect Barbie dolls? And then let’s check in with Sigmund Freud to see what he has to say on this topic.

A note: There is so much information about collecting that I will provide links at the end of this story for you to read more if interested. Additionally, copyright laws keep me from showing you photos of the collections I mention. The links at the end will take care of that problem too.



Lorie Kleiner Eckert

Lorie writes slice-of-life stories from a baby boomer’s point of view. You can find her books, art work — and more — on her website, LorieKleinerEckert.com.