My # 1 Long-Term Goal as a Grandparent — Starting Now

You may have this dream too…

John McGinniss


Grand Dude (author) and Patrick. Photo by John McGinniss

Anyone who knows me knows I’m a long-term planner and like to set goals for myself.

These goals can be anything. Learning to cook, wanting to move down the Jersey Shore, financial goals, restoring my 1965 Mustang convertible or something new to explore or learn, etc.

I recently came up with the most important goal in my life

My first grandchild (and so far my only), Patrick, will turn 2 at the end of November. There is a special kind of love for a grandchild. Yes, we love our kids, but a grandchild is something extraordinary and amazing.

Truly a gift.

For me, it makes me young again. I get to see the world thru Patrick’s young eyes. The excitement of learning something new. Pointing out a doggy as we go for a walk in the neighborhood. Watching him race to the living room sofa, scampering up it, and looking out the window as a truck goes by saying truck! Truck! Showing me his collection of cah-cah-cars that initially belonged to his father (my son). Seeing the simple joy in his face as he completes a Sesame Street alphabet puzzle. Watching him spin around and giggle when I do my Donald Duck voice. Watching Disney’s Coco for the umpteenth time…



John McGinniss

Passionate about helping others with personal finance. Writing about my observations of life and creating new experiences. Walking the Jersey shore at night.