My Book Idea Might Be Effed

But here’s what you can do to increase your chances

Tammy Hader - Author of Walking Old Roads


My 46,000-word manuscript contains only one mild curse word, is bursting with uncool grammatical correctness, does not portray me as a victim, and is not littered with name droppings (except for the time I met Colonel Sanders).

In short, my book idea is totally effed.

After weeks of researching, writing, thinking, re-writing, more researching, and much more overthinking, I have pieced together query letters for fifteen prospective literary agents. All the necessary elements of a query letter are stitched up into the creature for which each agent is hunting.

Except for one smallish problem.

My genre of words is a rare, unsought after commodity in today’s world. A disheartening realization I reached after a multi-week exercise of weeding through Publishers Marketplace agent by agent, A-Z.

With heavy shoulders, visible facial disappointment, and a disgruntled attitude, I’ve decided;

I’ve come this far so I’m going to continue despite the dismal odds.

I now have a spreadsheet of about 120 potential agents categorized into 1st, 2nd and 3rd groupings. Self-proclaimed…



Tammy Hader - Author of Walking Old Roads

Ex-accountant, lifetime cat lover and avid wearer of hats. Author of Walking Old Roads available on Visit me at