My name is Michele — and Liz dared me to write this
I still need 100 followers to meet the new deadline, and I could use your help!
Liz Porter, the maven behind the publication Boomerangs, put out a dare, asking for readers to write a short piece introducing themselves and iterating why they want to write for Medium…
I’m Michele, and I am 51 (soon to be 52). When I was growing up, every time I encountered someone 50 or older, I clearly remember thinking “She’s/He’s so old! He/She doesn’t know anything!”
My, how my perspective has changed!
Now that I’m that age, I can’t imagine calling myself “old”. I don’t feel old. I don’t think I look old. I don’t “think” old.
When I look back at my years so far — and what I’ve learned — I think of how wrong I was when I used to always think that “old” people “don’t know anything!”
I have learned a LOT of lessons — lessons that apply to common situations (and not-so-common ones!) — lessons that apply to a lot of people in life. I know a heck of a lot more now than I did when I was 20, 30, or even 40.
I’m sure many younger people have the same conception — that because you’re older, you just “don’t understand”. You’re “out of touch” or you just “don’t know anything”.
I like to write because I have experiences, perspectives, and wisdom to share. Wisdom that might help someone else from faltering on the same obstacles I came across. Or at the very least, open them up to a new perspective, providing them with a bit more information, so they don’t trip and fall as hard as I did. With advice that comes from experience, they might be able to jump ahead, skips the trials altogether, and shoot straight for the end result.
“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” — John Keating
I truly believe there is nothing more powerful than carefully crafted, heartfelt words; words that can touch a soul, move a nation, and even save lives.
I recently wrote a story about how sometimes, when love is all you have, love is enough. It’s called “Love Across the Strait of Tears”.
There are so many incredible stories and experience-based advice on Medium. I spend time reading many of them each day. I hope to read yours, soon.
We all have something to share.