Rise of the Solopreneur

How and why Baby Boomers should consider this pivotal shift

Liz Porter
Published in
10 min readMay 16, 2021


A white bench covered in blue cushions on a deck facing a view of the blue ocean waters
Photo by Miriam Eh on Unsplash

My biggest source of stress — my ego-driven shit-ass boss — is now a distant memory. Gone are the days that some lame idiot, put in charge because of office politics, dictates my financial future.

This thought prevails as I breathe in the exceptional view of the Bay of Fundy from the deck, with a glass of Cab Sav at my fingertips.

The salty air is swirling around me, cooling my cheeks and soothing my busy mind as I anticipate the countless opportunities coming my way.

My laptop at my side, I bask in the gratitude I feel towards my new portable office. The walls are gone, and I get my vitamin D from the sun instead of a pill or a smoothie on the run.

But more importantly, I can breathe again.

As I watch a small lobster boat lurch its way back to shore, I’m thinking about my days as a cubicle slave and how far I’ve come from that toxic environment.

This tiny fishing village in New Brunswick is my home for the next 3 weeks, as we quarantine and consider a move to another province. It’s the perfect spot to brainstorm and write my next articles.



Liz Porter

Top Writer - Author - Founder of Boomerangs & the Advantage Medium Publications. Retired Boomer Writing with Truth & Humour to empower, educate and entertain!