The Blockchain Revolution: How Coinbase is Transforming Commerce and Financial Inclusion

Mark Dunwoody
Published in
6 min readJun 5, 2024


Throughout history, the barter system has been a fundamental aspect of human life, shaping how societies trade and interact.

The barter system laid the groundwork for commerce, from exchanging grains for livestock to trading services and goods. As civilization advanced, so did transaction methods, culminating in the invention of coinage and, later, paper currency. Today, we stand on the brink of another revolutionary shift with the emergence of blockchain technology. Much like the invention of the coin transformed ancient economies, blockchain is poised to disrupt modern commerce, ushering in a new era of efficiency and equity.

“The blockchain is the most important technology since the internet. It has the potential to fundamentally change the way we do business, the way governments work, and the way we live our lives.” — Don Tapscot

A Broader Impact on Society

The implications of widespread cryptocurrency adoption extend beyond just e-commerce. Cryptocurrencies can lift millions of people out of poverty by providing access to financial tools and services previously out of reach. Imagine the impact on faith organizations and charities if transaction fees were significantly reduced — more funds could go directly to those in need rather than being siphoned off by intermediaries.

Small businesses and mom-and-pop stores would also benefit immensely. Lower transaction fees would allow them to compete more effectively with more giant corporations, leveling the playing field and fostering local economic growth.

A Brief History of Transactions

Since the dawn of human civilization, people have traded goods and services to meet their needs. Initially, this was done through bartering — exchanging one item for another. However, bartering had its limitations, primarily the need for a double coincidence of wants. If you had grain but needed shoes, you had to find someone who had shoes and wanted grain. This inefficiency necessitated face-to-face transactions and often left many needs unmet.

To solve this, societies developed coinage. Coins were a revolutionary step forward; they were standardized, widely accepted, and provided a convenient transaction medium. However, coins were heavy and difficult to transport in large quantities.

The invention of paper currency further improved transaction efficiency. It was lighter, easier to carry, and became the dominant medium of exchange. But even with paper money, transactions typically required face-to-face interactions.

The real game-changer came with the advent of credit cards. Credit cards revolutionized commerce by enabling fast, global transactions without physical presence. This innovation facilitated the explosive growth of e-commerce, allowing consumers to purchase goods and services from anywhere in the world with the swipe of a card.

Global Integration of Crypto

Some countries are beginning to integrate cryptocurrencies into their financial systems to harness the benefits of reduced transaction costs, increased financial inclusion, and enhanced security. Nations such as El Salvador and the Central African Republic have adopted Bitcoin as legal tender to modernize their economies and attract investment. By adopting blockchain technology, these countries can provide their citizens access to innovative financial services, promoting economic growth and stability.

The Hidden Costs of Credit Cards

However, the convenience of credit cards comes with significant costs, especially for small businesses and mom-and-pop stores. Credit card companies typically charge merchants a fee of around 3% per transaction.

This fee might be manageable for large corporations, but it can severely eat into smaller businesses' already thin profit margins. These businesses often have no choice but to pass these costs onto consumers, resulting in higher prices.

Every time you swipe your card, you pay a little extra to cover these transaction fees. Over time, these fees accumulate, significantly impacting the overall cost of goods and services and making it harder for small businesses to compete with larger counterparts.

Enter Cryptocurrency: A New Era of E-Commerce

Cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin and Ethereum, have introduced a new paradigm in financial transactions.

Bitcoin, often called digital gold, is a fantastic store of value but needs to catch up regarding transaction speed and cost.

Ethereum is faster but still needs to catch up with traditional credit cards, and it incurs high gas fees.

The Promise of Base and Coinbase Smart Wallet

Can you imagine a future where you could carry out frictionless financial interactions at a fraction of the cost with a family member, a small business, your church, or a charity without banks and financial institutions taking their cut?

This is where Base and the Coinbase Smart Wallet come into play. Base, a blockchain platform developed by Coinbase, aims to address the inefficiencies of earlier cryptocurrencies. Base promises near-instantaneous transactions with minimal fees, positioning itself as a superior alternative to traditional credit card systems.

With Base and Coinbase Smart Wallet, e-commerce has the potential to be revolutionized. The low transaction fees mean businesses can retain more of their earnings, which could lead to lower prices for consumers. The speed of transactions ensures that buyers and sellers can engage in real-time commerce without the delays associated with traditional banking systems.

Coinbase’s mission is to create an open financial system for the world. As Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase, stated:

“Our goal is to bring more economic freedom to each and every person and business around the world. Blockchain technology can make this a reality by eliminating costly intermediaries and enabling instant, secure transactions.”

The Coinbase Smart Wallet offers minimal gas fees, reducing the cost of transactions. It simplifies financial interactions, making transactions straightforward and efficient. Passkeys enhance wallet management, making it easier for users to access and control their funds. It also provides seamless access to funds on Coinbase, ensuring hassle-free financial management.

With the robust infrastructure and financial backing of a global company like Coinbase, we will see the widespread adoption of Base and the Coinbase Smart Wallet as viable e-commerce solutions.

Key Takeaways

  1. Historical Evolution of Commerce: From barter to coins, paper currency, and credit cards, each stage has enhanced efficiency and broadened the reach of transactions.
  2. Credit Card Costs: The convenience of credit cards comes with significant costs, particularly for small businesses and mom-and-pop stores, which face transaction fees that erode profits and increase prices for consumers.
  3. Cryptocurrency Advantages: Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum introduce a new paradigm in financial transactions, offering the potential for faster, cheaper, and more secure transactions.
  4. Base and Coinbase Wallet: Platforms like Base, developed by Coinbase, promise near-instantaneous transactions with minimal fees, making them a superior alternative to traditional credit card systems.
  5. Global Integration: Some countries are beginning to integrate cryptocurrencies into their financial systems to modernize their economies, attract investment, and enhance financial inclusion.
  6. Broader Social Impact: Cryptocurrencies have the potential to lift millions out of poverty by providing access to financial tools, significantly reducing transaction fees for charities, and levelling the playing field for small businesses.

Next Steps

If you are interested in learning more about trading cryptocurrency, consider the following steps:

  1. Research: Educate yourself about cryptocurrencies, their uses, benefits, and potential risks. Numerous online resources include blogs, forums, and educational websites.
  2. Start Small: Start by investing a small amount to get a feel for cryptocurrency trading. Understanding the market dynamics is essential before making larger investments.
  3. Choose a Reliable Platform: Use a reputable and secure platform like Coinbase. Coinbase is a solid and safe company with a mission to create an open financial system for the world. It offers a user-friendly interface, robust security measures, and extensive educational resources to help new traders get started.
  4. Stay Updated: Follow the latest news and trends in the cryptocurrency market. Join communities and forums to stay informed and connected with other traders.
  5. Diversify: Do not put all of your investments into one cryptocurrency. Diversify your portfolio to spread the risk and increase potential returns.

By following these steps and leveraging platforms like Coinbase, you can navigate the world of cryptocurrency trading with greater confidence and security. Embrace the future of commerce and explore the exciting opportunities that cryptocurrencies offer.

Disclaimer: The content provided here is not financial advice. Its purpose is to educate and contribute to the vision of BoomerOnBase in onboarding the next 10,000,000 boomers to @base. Please conduct your research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Engaging with the Boomer Community

To take the next step in your crypto journey, immerse yourself in the vibrant Boomer community through various channels:

  1. Telegram: Join the Boomer Telegram group to connect with like-minded individuals, share insights, and stay updated on the latest developments in the crypto sphere.
  2. YouTube: Dive into Boomer’s YouTube channel for educational content, tutorials, and interviews with industry experts, empowering you with knowledge and inspiration to navigate the crypto landscape.
  3. Social Media: Follow Boomer on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to engage with the community and participate in discussions.

By actively engaging with the Boomer community, you can unlock a wealth of resources, support, and camaraderie on your journey towards crypto enlightenment.

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Mark Dunwoody

Coach, author, podcaster & Co-Founder of the Healthy Rhythms Coaching