What is Base?

Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2024


Imagine you’re in a giant, bustling supermarket with long checkout lines that seem to move at a snail’s pace. Then, you discover the “Scan-and-Go” system — a game-changer that allows you to scan items with your smartphone as you shop, bypassing the checkout lines entirely when you’re done. This is akin to what Base offers in the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem.

Why Base?

Base is like the “Scan-and-Go” of blockchain transactions. It’s designed to handle the scalability issues of Ethereum, which, like a crowded store, struggles with congestion and high fees during peak times. Base enables faster and cheaper transactions, alleviating the load on the main Ethereum network and ensuring it remains functional and user-friendly as it grows.

How Does Base Work?

Optimistic Rollups are a Layer 2 scaling solution that essentially allows for the off-chain aggregation of transactions in a way that can significantly enhance the throughput and efficiency of a blockchain like Ethereum. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

  1. Execution and Transaction Bundling
  • Just as you pick up different items from various sections of a store and place them in your shopping cart, in Base, transactions (items) from multiple users are collected into groups (shopping cart). These groups of transactions are bundled together, ready to be processed off-chain, which reduces the load on the main Ethereum blockchain. This method allows for the handling of transaction data without bogging down the main network, ensuring that Ethereum remains efficient and effective for other critical operations.

2. Posting Data to Ethereum:

  • At regular intervals, a compressed version of all these off-chain transactions — essentially a summary or a collective receipt — is posted back to the Ethereum mainnet. This is analogous to you checking out on your “Scan-and-Go” app to get a receipt for verification, rather than undergoing the slower process of a traditional checkout.

3. The “Optimistic” Aspect

  • The system operates under the assumption that all transactions are valid unless proven otherwise. This assumption is where “Optimistic” Rollups get their name. This assumption is like the trust that the store gives its customers.

4. Finality and Settlement

  • Ethereum validators are given a specific time period to dispute any transaction they believe to be incorrect or fraudulent. If no disputes arise during the challenge period, the transactions are deemed valid and are finalized on the Ethereum blockchain. This step ensures the integrity of transactions while leveraging the security and decentralization of Ethereum. It mirrors the final step of leaving the store after using “Scan-and-Go”, where your shopping is verified, and you’re cleared to exit seamlessly.

What Makes Base Different?

Base stands out in the field of Layer 2 scaling solutions for several reasons. While many Layer 2 networks aim to only address Ethereum’s scalability issues, Base incorporates specific features and strategies that distinguish it from its peers.

1. Strong Backing by Coinbase

  • Base backed by Coinbase, one of the largest and most reputable cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. This not only provides Base with substantial technical and financial resources but also creates a level of credibility and security that can accelerate adoption among developers and users. Coinbase’s influence and existing user base can drive significant traffic and projects to Base, potentially more so than any other L2 solutions.

2. Focus on Developer Experience

  • Base is focused on enhancing the developer experience. It is designed to be an easy entry point for developers new to blockchain and Ethereum. By providing a user-friendly interfaces, extensive documentations, and robust support systems, Base aims to lower the barrier to entry for building decentralized applications (dApps). Their mission statement “Base is for everyone”, fosters a supportive developer ecosystem that catalyzes innovation and development on the Ethereum network.

3. Integration with Coinbase Products

  • Base is designed to integrate seamlessly with various Coinbase products and services. This integration allows for easy transitions between the different applications, also supporting cross-chain operations from Ethereum mainnet and the Base Layer 2 network. This facilitates easier, faster, and cheaper transactions for users of Coinbase’s wallet, exchange, and other Coinbase services. This also hints that any upgrades or new features in Coinbase’s ecosystem could directly benefit Base users.

4. Focus on Providing the Best User Experience

  • Base also has a strong focus on user experience, it is not just advancing technology but is also redefining how users interact with blockchain networks. Innovations like the ERC-4337 based Smart wallet, prioritizes ease of use, performance, and cost-efficiency to provide the ultimate user experience. Base is strategically positioned to support a broader adoption of blockchain technology, making it more accessible and practical for a global audience. Base is set to pave the way for a new era of digital interaction and innovation.


Base Layer 2 emerges as a beacon of innovation within the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem, mirroring the efficiency and convenience of “Scan-and-Go” systems in the retail world. By addressing Ethereum’s critical issues of scalability and high transaction costs, Base grants users faster, more affordable blockchain interactions. This initiative opens up a myriad of opportunities for developers and users alike.

Base is also backed by the robust support and technological prowess of Coinbase, Base stands out as a reliable and promising Layer 2 solution. Its deep integration with Coinbase’s products ensures seamless user experiences, while its commitment to developers and focus on user experience makes Base a pivotal platform primed to transform how decentralized applications are built and interacted with across the globe.

In conclusion, Base is more than just a layer 2 solution; it is a forward-thinking platform, ready to disrupt the blockchain space. As it continues to evolve and integrate within the broader Ethereum ecosystem, Base will undoubtedly be leading the new era of decentralized innovation.

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Or visit us at https://baseboomer.com/ to learn more!




Blockchain Developer, Fueled by Coke Zero, $Boomer on Base | Committed to Blockchain Education and Safety