Hey Mom, Sorry About Killing You

If You Snoop Long Enough, You’ll Find Answers You Might Not Want

Misty Rae
Boomers, Bitches, and Babes


My biological mother.

Those that know me know that I was adopted after my biological mother died unexpectedly on August 17, 1971. That was 3 weeks after I was born. The circumstances of her death were unknown to me and apparently everyone else in my life. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get answers.

Perfectly healthy 25-year-old women just don’t go around dropping dead for no reason, not even in 1971. I needed to know why for several reasons.

First and foremost, well, honestly, this should have been first and foremost, but it was, in all honesty, a secondary concern, if there had been something wrong, a disease or something, I think I have a right to know. Not just because she was, for a short time, my mother, but because family history is such an important risk factor in many illnesses. If I should be looking out for something, for myself and my kids, I have the right to know.

But the truth is, I had another, more pressing reason for my continued snooping. It’s not the prettiest reason and frankly, it’s likely a character flaw more than anything. But I can’t stand being lied to and that’s all I’ve ever gotten regarding my mother’s death for over 50 years, lie after lie after lie!



Misty Rae
Boomers, Bitches, and Babes

6X Top Writer. Former legal eagle. Wife, mother, nature lover, chef, writer and all-around free spirit . https://ko-fi.com/mistyrae