Let’s make lots of money

Greta Dias
Boomers, Bitches, and Babes
3 min readJan 8, 2024


Easier said than done, right?

Everyone dreams of having enough money so they can retire without any worries. So, now that I have your attention, let me give you some tips!

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash
  • First you go out and get a job that pays reasonably well, is stress free and you are surrounded by rich or moderately rich folk.
  • Next you take your pay cheque and keep enough money to pay your rent, food and incidentals.
  • You then make as many friends as you can. All those who love the good life, food and entertainment and have money
  • First step after you are established in your workplace you need to write down your priorities:

Make a grocery list. Your budget should be minimal and your purchases should match the budget

Visit a low cost grocery store and shop in the reduced section for meals to be eaten only in emergency.

Most offices have free coffee. This eliminates the cost of coffee, milk and sugar.

One bag of bagels should last you a week. Eat one a day from your purchases which should be bought from day old bakery reductions.

Lunch is an instant cup of soup and a fruit…..unless you cleverly get invited to join one of your many friends to eat lunch at a restaurant. If you do, eat as much as you can, so you only need a snack at dinner.

By the end of the week you can safely deposit all the surplus money you set aside for food into the bank.

Toiletries should be bare necessities. Dollar stores are the cheapest way to go. Use purchases sparingly as your ultimate goal is to be a millionaire.

Invite friends over but ask them to bring a dish and a bottle. Left overs are good for at least a few meals for the following days.

By the time you reach retirement you will have enough money in your bank and you have achieved your dream.

Now what?

You lead your life according to the Scrooge rules but are you happy?

Your friends have left you as you were Nick-named “scrounger”.

You never had a serious relationship because you were selfish and manipulative.

Your only friend is the money in your bank account.

You can touch it, sleep with it, get old with it and cry with it because you wasted your life focussing on getting rich.

Bible Verses About Money

Ecclesiastes 7:12: “Money is a protection.”

Meaning: When used wisely, money can be beneficial because it adds a measure of security.

1 Timothy 6:10: “The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains.

Meaning: Money in itself is not wrong. But people who love money – who make it their main focus in life – bring problems on themselves, such as broken families and poor health from overwork.

Hebrews 13:5: “Let your way of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things.”

SO you have been HAD! This is the worst advice one could give you! 😂At least you can now laugh out loud! 😜 AND you will make it your priority to enjoy life while earning an honest living. Perhaps even making the millions you hope for.

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash



Greta Dias
Boomers, Bitches, and Babes

Born in Uganda, East Africa. Wife, Mother of two, grandmother or four!