Midlife Crisis: Signs, Causes, And Treatments

While both men and women experience midlife turmoil

Photo by Paola Aguilar on Unsplash/ woman thinking

Yes, the term “midlife crisis” is often used to describe a period of psychological and emotional distress that some individuals experience during middle adulthood, typically between the ages of 45 and 65.

It’s important to note that while the term is commonly used, it’s not a clinical diagnosis recognized by mental health professionals in the same way that conditions like depression or anxiety are.

In some cases, depression and mid-life crisis conditions may be correlated. The stress from experiencing a midlife crisis can result in mood changes or even a depressive episode.

While both men and women experience midlife turmoil, the stereotypical, often impulsive behaviors seem to be more associated with men. Gender differences bring unique challenges when it comes to aging. For example, women may face menopause on top of ageism.

Conversely, “a depressive episode is not indicative of a midlife crisis.

A midlife crisis often involves feelings of dissatisfaction, anxiety, and reflection about one’s accomplishments, goals, and overall life direction.

People going through this phase might question their achievements, evaluate their life…



B A Little, M.Ed. - The Caffeinated Writer
Boomers, Bitches, and Babes

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