My First Book Has Been Published

This is my lifelong dream come true!

Boomers, Bitches, and Babes


Cover of my book, designed by Van Rye Publishing (Author’s Photo)

I’ve wanted to write books since I was eleven years old. I have a couple of really terrible manuscripts hiding in a trunk, as well as some half-completed drafts. This is the first book that I not only finished, but felt was worth publishing.

I queried two agents, never heard back, then discovered Van Rye Publishing. They accept un-agented manuscripts. They’re an indie publisher, but they’re very professional and super easy to work with. I highly recommend you look them up if you have a manuscript in need of a publisher and don’t want to go the self-publishing route. It was very nice to have someone edit my book, design the cover, edit the synopsis, and handle all the actual work of publication. Additionally, they will do their own promotions. They are not a vanity press. They did all of this for free.

Here’s the synopsis of my book

Seventeen-year-old Meridian Page has a rich imagination. To escape her quiet and boring town of Biddleborn, she makes up stories in her head — stories about a magic-filled world called Detritus and its inhabitants, including a princess named Lanora and a man called the Cat Lord. Not realizing how thin the walls of reality can be in a town where children have nothing better to do than tell stories, Meridian is shocked when the Cat Lord shows up in Biddleborn and warns her that imaginary characters like him are slipping through from Detritus to the real world.

With a doorway from the imaginary world of Detritus open, Meridian’s imaginary characters — talking lawnmowers, a friendly skeleton, mutant animals and other creatures, living appliances, a wise dragon, zombies, dangerous creatures called shadow wights, and more — are increasingly slipping through to Biddleborn. By the time other Biddleborn residents’ imaginary characters begin showing up as well, the town is awash in chaos as evil characters battle good ones and the town’s residents. Can Meridian, her friends Artie and Cheese Fry, their parents, and Biddleborn’s other residents save the town from Meridian’s imagination? Read and find out.

So now begins the work of promoting my book. I’ve never enjoyed self-promotion or any kind of sales, so this is going to stretch me a bit. The plan is to find reviewers (NOT paid reviewers) who will agree to read my book and post an honest review on their blog/website/YouTube/Tik Tok. Did you know you can get free books by doing book reviews? If I had known that, I would have started a book review blog years ago.

For the first month, the Kindle version is on sale at Amazon. The goal is to get a bunch of people to buy the book in the first month so that it will boost my bestseller rankings. Just like any online platform, Amazon has a hungry algorithm that must be fed — and this is how you feed it. There’s also a print copy available, and you can find both versions here: Biddleborn: A Fantasy World Attacks: 9781957906027: Stowers, Sheila: Books

If you read it, would you do me a favor? Leave an honest review. That would be super cool.

Have you written a book? Why not leave a link to it in the comments?



Boomers, Bitches, and Babes

high school English teacher, cat nerd, owner of Grading with Crayon, and author of Biddleborn.