The Month of Love is Gone, and Good Riddance to all The Other Shit that Came With it!

Pam Winter
Boomers, Bitches, and Babes
3 min readFeb 23, 2022

Excuse my strong opening, but it’s been quite a MONTH

Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

It was a roller coaster month for me, so how about you? Was it mostly love and other good things? Flowers, candy, cards, dining out with your sweetie, and good vibes here on Medium?…Well then, fricking congratulations and just don’t go waving it in front of my nose. (Deep breathes here)…

I’ll start with the positives. Always a good place to begin a rant…

The stats on many of my stories improved and they stabilized some— finally. I’m serious happy as they’ve been going up and down for months like a proverbial rollercoaster. I also gained 48 new followers so thank you very much!

My pub, ‘Boomers, Bitches and Babes,’ gained lots of writers and submissions so that was truly exciting exciting to see. Thanks to one and all!…You gals totally surpassed my expectations.

My sweetheart gave me love on Valentine’s day, a celebration we both take for granted since we’ve had 47 or them. And yes, I did the same for him. Our grandson made each of us a picture for our fridge and he shared his Valentine’s candy with us, a sure sign of true love coming from a 6 year old.

Now for the shit…

Our baby, our dog Tucker, had to endure a fecal test we were forced to pay for through no fault of our own and we learned he was negative… Equal parts gimmeafrickingbreak, and goody.

I discovered a writer on here blocked me and so I began a deep dive to figure out why, a day before my brain reminded me he had written what he had tried to explain away later as “a satirical piece” that had set off my bullshit meter and so I told him what I thought in a comment…

I guess I should have expected to get blocked from an arrogant proctologist that literally hangs out around impacted assholes 24/7.

Another female writer blocked me, too, after I told her all her comments were showing up on her main story page and so I wondered if she was now inactive. She rewarded me by blocking me…Que sera’ sera.

Another writer from Britain wrote a piece directly quoting part of one of my own stories to showcase her self-righteous superiority and she used my name, a clear violation of the rules of Medium…

Luckily a friend, Ruby Lee, read it and defended me with her own comment before she alerted me. I then took the liberty of correcting this snippy English Hemmingway with my own comment before I reported and blocked her… “Good riddance, troll!”

And yesterday a writer, who says she’s a former law enforcement officer, took offense in a comment she made to me on a story I wrote on my political status as a swing voter by saying that since I had said I’m not really into politics, why did I even write this piece? “Um excuse me, but last time I checked it’s still a free country so I’ll write whatever I want whenever and I don’t owe you or anyone else an explanation”… My turn to block!

So what gives? I know we had a full moon around Valentine’s day so did that upset peoples equilibrium so much it made them Snarly? Oh well.

Thanks for reading while I took the liberty of getting this off my chest. I hate waking up at 6am with a bunch of venom in my throat so I needed to vomit it out.

And take note all you who sometimes think you’re the only ones who get trolled, balled out, disrespected and dissed in general…

This shit is everywhere anymore — an unfortunate sign of the troubled times we live in, but I for one will not allow it to silence me…

I will not crawl under the covers of my comfy bed and weep, nor will I resign from writing. That’s just NOT my style. I’m the gal that prefers to stay locked and loaded, so assholes? BRING. IT. ON.



Pam Winter
Boomers, Bitches, and Babes

Christian, Wife, Mimi and animal lover. Owner of ‘Boomers, Bitches, and Babes.’ 3X Top Writer, Humorous, snarky and blush proof.