15,000 USDT in Awareness Awards from Boomstarter

Boomstarter Network
Boomstarter Network
7 min readOct 17, 2019

Today we announce a big bounty program from Boomstarter.Network, a global crowdfunding platform that runs on blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The bounty is nominated in Boomstarter’s loyalty token on the IOST blockchain.

Boomstarter.Network is the first crowdfunding platform that runs on blockchain and is available to startups from any country. It allows entrepreneurs to start fundraising campaigns for their products at idea stage.

Boomstarter.Network is based on the largest classical crowdfunding service in Eastern Europe successfully operating since 2012. With blockchain, it is now going global to eliminate intermediaries that set limitations on availability of crowdfunding worldwide.

You can start your crowdfunding campaign too: use promo-code BOUNTY in your project description when you create a draft on https://boomstarter.network.


  • Total bounty fund: 15,000 USDT or 1,000,000,000 (one billion) iBC.
    — a loyalty token of Boomstarter.Network, created on the IOST blockchain for marketing campaigns. It encourages to contribute to the development of the ecosystem by taking part in community events.
  • Dates: 18 October 2019–30 December 2019, or until the bounty fund is spent, whichever happens first.
  • The main goal is to raise awareness about Boomstarter.Network and IOST as an underlying ecosystem (through the use of iBC coin which is an IRC20 token). You must have an IOST account to take part.


Everyone is invited to take part in the bounty program, as long as you have an IOST account: Youtube channel owners, bloggers, content creators, social media influencers, opinion leaders, etc. They can create and distribute eye-catching content that increases interest in and focuses on the world’s first crypto-crowdfunding platform Boomstarter.Network. Please see terms and conditions of the bounty at the bottom of the page.

Also, Boomstarter.Network team plans to encourage members of the IOST ecosystem to spread the word about the bounty program, and vote for the Boomstarter.Network node.

Task One: Twitter and Facebook bounty.

A) Likes and retweets on Twitter


3,000 iBC are awarded for every like and retweet.
Mandatory for the bounty program:
- Subscribe to our Twitter https://twitter.com/BoomBoomNetwork
- Like and retweet at least three tweets per week. If there are no new tweets, you can retweet the old ones.
- Please do not make retweets in a row; retweets should be done at least two hours apart. Please send your contribution reports here: https://forms.gle/VRnMpv7UwnGLCZGw8

Additionally, there will be a prize draw of 2,000,000 iBC among all Twitter bounty participants.
Ten lucky prize winners who have made retweets will be randomly selected at the end of the campaign to share the 2,000,000 iBC award.

B) Likes and reposts on Facebook


3,000 iBC are awarded for every like and repost.
Mandatory for the bounty program:
- subscribe to our page https://www.facebook.com/BoomstarterNetwork;
- give five stars to the page, post a positive review in the comments;
- invite friends to “like” the page

Please send your contribution reports here: https://forms.gle/VRnMpv7UwnGLCZGw8

Additionally, there will be a prize draw of 2,000,000 iBC among all Facebook bounty participants.
Ten lucky prize winners who have made retweets will be randomly selected at the end of the campaign to share the 2,000,000 iBC award.

Task Two: Node Staking bounty

Vote for Boomstarter.Network node (https://www.iostabc.com/account/boomstarter)
and get the reward in iBC tokens (1 vote=1 iBC). Snapshots of the blockchain will be made on 30 October 2019, 30 November 2019 and 30 December 2019.

Voters for Boomstarter.Network node will receive three airdrops of iBC tokens in Q4.

  • Airdrop stage one — 30 October 2019
    The first snapshot of the blockchain will be made and all voters for Boomstarter node will receive airdrop tokens (1 vote=1 iBC).
  • Airdrop stage two — 30 November 2019
    The second snapshot of the blockchain will be made and all voters for Boomstarter node will receive airdrop tokens (1 vote=1 iBC).
  • Airdrop stage three — 30 December 2019
    The third snapshot of the blockchain will be made and all voters for Boomstarter node will receive airdrop tokens (1 vote=1 iBC).

The maximum amount of the airdrop fund is 10,000,000 iBC.
Airdrop is on until the end of all stages, or until the the airdrop fund is spent, whichever happens first.

  • Payout within 5 days after network snapshot.
  • In case votes are revoked until stage ends, iBC is not awarded.
  • Only users voting with their own wallets will be rewarded (except biss.com)

Task three: content creation bounty

(major fund allocation: over 950,000,000 iBC)

Key objectives:

  • Raising awareness of the Boomstarter.Network in the Internet community and potential stakeholders: project authors and backers.
  • Creating a positive buzz about the project and encouraging cool startups to launch their crowdfunding on Boomstarter.Network.

We are willing to award various content types:
1. Meaningful reviews of Boomstarter.Network on Youtube.
2. Original articles and posts about Boomstarter.Network (on social media, channels, blogs, etc).
3. Crowdfunding guides and tips related to Boomstarter.Network created by the bounty participants.
4. Guides on how to register and support crowdfunding campaigns on Boomstarter.Network created by the bounty participants.
5. Original reviews and summaries of Boomstarter.Network news (e.g. weekly or monthly summaries).

Each content creator must place an active hyperlink (https://boomstarter.network) to Boomstarter.Network in their content. Please send your contribution reports here: https://forms.gle/VRnMpv7UwnGLCZGw8

Contribution reports are evaluated and ranked from the most valuable to the least. Based on these ratings, participants are ranked and then awarded. The decision on awarding the actual reward will be made individually: based on the number of the content views (or likes, reposts, etc.), the quality of the material, the number of subscribers and other objective factors.

Level 1 (GOLD) — from 50,000,000 iBC to 150,000,000 iBC

Level 2 (SILVER) — from 20,000,000 iBC to 50,000,000 iBC

Level 3 (BRONZE) — from 500,000 iBC to 20 000 000 iBC

  • Please send reports of your contributions to 👉👉 this form The contributions are evaluated based on the submitted report.
  • Boomstarter.Network team will use technology and algorithms at their discretion to assess the contribution and to eliminate abuse and (or) fraudulent schemes.
  • Evaluation period: within at least two weeks from the date of receipt of the report (to accumulate statistics necessary to evaluate the content).
  • Notifying the content creator: assessment result is sent to the e-mail address specified in the report form.
  • Payment of awards is carried out within 5 days but not later than 7 days after notifying the content creator about the award. The payment is made to the IOST wallet or the exchange wallet.
  • The number of awards available in each category is unlimited (except the fund is limited to one billion iBC)

All token holders of iBC loyalty tokens will be able to exchange them for USDT stablecoin.

iBC loyalty tokens can also be exchanged for BC — short for Boomstarter Coin (100 iBC=1 BC). It is a means of payment on the global blockchain-based platform that allows startups to raise funds. With BC, startups can save 50% on platform services.

Unlike major crowdfunding platforms, Boomstarter.Network welcomes startups from around the world and does not discriminate based on geography. The market opportunity for crowdfunding is huge as developing countries can now gain access to global crowdfunding.

Please see instructions on how to exchange iBC to USDT here: https://boomstarter.network/promo

Exchange rate: 1 USDT=iBC 66,666

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Bounty Terms and Conditions:

  • One person or entity that claims bounty is only allowed to claim for one social media account. This must be a real and authentic Twitter account, accounts solely to take part the bounty campaign are not allowed. A person found to be claiming for multiple accounts will be disqualified.
  • The use of automated tools to imitate engagement is not allowed.
  • Maximum 10 retweets or Facebook reposts per week are allowed for one participant.
  • Bounty awards are made at the discretion of the organizing company and may be denied for any reason. The company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, alter or update bounty pricing, as will be reflected in this document, at any time it sees fit, as is necessary based on the supply of iBC tokens available for the bounty program.

