Boomstarter.Network: consulting for startups.

Boomstarter Network
Boomstarter Network
2 min readOct 29, 2019

Boomstarter.Network, a global crowdfunding platform based on blockchain technology, launches an advisory service for entrepreneurs. We will help to make the most of collective financing at idea stage.

Too often we see startups make repeated mistakes in shaping and presenting their idea, even when it can be quite promising.

It is the preparation stage that is really important: identifying your audiences and telling them about your product and your plan in a clear and engaging way.

Often, emerging entrepreneurs have a hard time defining their idea and getting their message across. It is an ever important task startups face to prove that their idea and team are worthwhile, and to sell their pre-order to hundreds of buyers. This is the mechanics of crowdfunding.

Drawing on the vast experience Boomstarter team has in classic crowdfunding, we announce the start of a series of business consultations for entrepreneurs who have registered and created a draft of their project on

We will help prepare — shape the idea, vision and highlight the opportunity that your startup brings.

If done right, you can prove that your plan is solid and your future product is worth buying, even at the idea stage.

