Milestones in the making of Boomstarter.Network

Boomstarter Network
Boomstarter Network
3 min readSep 15, 2019
Boomstarter.Network allows startups to launch their crowdfunding from all over the globe.

Boomstarter.Network crowdfunding platform is now live. Our developers did a great job getting it up and running. Let’s see at what has been done to make blockchain-based crowdfunding a working product.

Use Boomstarter Coin tokens to support startups and buy rewards

Boomstarter Coins (BC) can be used to support startups on the platform. Just hit “Back with BC” in the project profile and the smart contract will receive the tokens for this startup.

Startups can also create rewards that can be bought with Boomstarter Coins. The tokens are accumulated on the startup’s special balance with an option to use them as payment for value-added services on the platform that promote and boost the startup’s crowdfunding campaign.

Startups have good reasons to pay for the platform’s services with tokens: they can get great discounts and save on their marketing expenses while expanding their campaign’s reach.

Integrating IOST tokens to supports startups you like

IOST tokens are accepted on Boomstarter.Network

Integration and partnership with IOST ecosystem was a milestone for Boomstarter.Network. Now users of IOST, one of world’s busiest blockchains, can send their IOST tokens to support the entrepreneurs on Boomstarter.Network crowdfunding platform.

While IOST is operating its own, stand-alone blockchain, our developers did a great job studying all the ins and outs of IOST and integrating into it. Now each startup on the platform has a balance in IOST, overseen by smart contract. IOST blockchain has hundreds of thousands of active users around the world, ready to become both project authors and sponsors of startups.

Developing a billing system that works with several cryptocurrencies

Boomstarter Coins and IOST tokens are major cryptos on Boomstarter.Network

Our developers have created and implemented one of the most important components of the crowdfunding platform — the billing system. It takes note of all payments made by users of the service. It also allows authors of projects to track which payments they received, and what rewards they sold.

These payments can be made in several cryptocurrencies across various blockchain networks. This is payment in Boomstarter Coin tokens, and major cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ether, IOST and others. The billing system also helps startups manage customer relationships on Boomstarter.Network.

Strategic marketing in South East Asia with BlackStorm Consulting

BlackStorm Consulting presenting Boomstarter.Network in East Asia

Boomstarter.Network partnered with BlackStorm Consulting to expand its reach in Southeast Asia. Entrepreneurs from this region have been showing an increasing interest in crowdfunding as a tool to start and new businesses.

BlackStorm is a growth consulting firm that specialises in Southeast Asia. The region is comprised of a range of active and emerging markets with very diverse business cultures. With an in-depth knowledge of the local markets, BlackStorm are experts in providing innovative scaling and strategic technology deployment in the region.

BlackStorm Consulting leads the way into the growing regional markets to spread awareness of the new crowdfunding opportunities that come with blockchain and to onboard local stakeholders.

Great on desktop and on mobile

Over 50% of traffic to Boomstarter.Network comes from mobile devices. So we decided the mobile version of the platform has to be as good as the desktop.

Designs and layouts received a lot of updates and polishing, until Boomstarter.Network started looking good on mobile as well. All features of the service are available literally at your fingertips.

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