Platform development update

Boomstarter Network
Boomstarter Network
1 min readApr 23, 2019

With token implemented in the platform, our developers introduce new features to blockchain capabilities under the hood and provide more good looks to the interfaces.

  1. The smart contract that receives and transfers BC tokens on the platform has been finalized. Smart contracts that rule individual campaigns can now also be generated for a specific address on the blockchain.
  2. A big update to user dashboard. With a new design, it now allows to fill out full user info and a new campaign can be launched right from inside the dashboard.
  3. Preparation of methods is under way to connect tokens as means of payment for value-added services on the platform. Also writing smart contract code to enable the users to make use of the funds on their balance.
  4. And an essential bit of polish for nice looks. Among other fixes and improvements, the slider on the main page now has better usability, and an update to the adaptive page layout makes a more natural mobile browsing experience.

