Top-3 Unexpected Crowdfunding Ideas on Boomstarter

Boomstarter Network
Boomstarter Network
2 min readJul 23, 2018

What do you think crowdfunding is meant for? Music albums? New board games? Charity? The following 3 projects launched on Boomstarter platform break the mold, defy stereotypes and prove that crowdfunding is something bigger than that.

1. Mobile mosque

April 2015
77 sponsors
851 000 RUB ($13630)

In 2015, there were only 4 mosques in Moscow for 2 mln Muslims. Building new ones would require delicate urban planning and complicated security insurance. Another route was found — mobile mosques.
“If the mountain will not go to the man, then the man must go to the mountain.”
The plan was simple. The crew wanted to buy a bus and redesign it — add a carpet for the prayer, equip a place for ablution. A halal cafe was meant to be a nice addition after the prayer. Any person can leave a request, and on the next day, a bus will wait for you to pray.

2. Kids rock concert

May 2015
219 sponsors
1 540 000 RUB ($24665)

Kids have a taste for music too! And if you think they cannot rock, this festival will persuade you otherwise.
The authors needed the sum for technical equipment, recreation area resettlement and producing «rock gifts.» They invited prominent rock performers, and… kids rock band! Workshops, body art, rock quest, tattoo salon, image studio — the festival incorporated all the best attributes of rock culture.

3. Dome house Vegetary

As of July 2018:
61 sponsor
990 000 RUB ($15856)

For green people all around the world! Can you imagine your house going green too and helping you produce your own food? Take a look at the dome house.
Th form of the house enables you to save up to 30% of building expenses, while the greenhouse makes your home warmer. The house is wholly autonomous — it can produce ecologically-friendly food and electricity by itself. And of course, it has some facilities for your chill — sauna, basin, recreation zone and an exclusive floor for your hobbies.

And now imagine all these ideas could be spread overworld and brought anywhere. makes it possible with blockchain, find out more:

