What experts say on crowdfunding and its perspectives?

Boomstarter Network
Boomstarter Network
3 min readMay 28, 2018

“Right now, you can only turn to a limited group of investors — including banks and wealthy individuals — to get funding. Laws that are nearly eight decades old make it impossible for others to invest. But a lot has changed in 80 years, and it’s time our laws did as well. Because of this bill, start-ups and small business will now have access to a big, new pool of potential investors — namely, the American people. For the first time, ordinary Americans will be able to go online and invest in entrepreneurs that they believe in.” — former US President Barack Obama

Crowdfunding is hope

This is marketing and strategy. This is a bright future, which can already be seen on the horizon.

All this is true. Having been tested on dozens of diverse projects, crowdfunding has become one of the current business levers of the modern world.

But what do experts think? What are the trends of crowdfunding, and how will it evolve?

The level of customer satisfaction continues to grow. In particular, in France it reached 96%. This confirms that crowd-hosting projects, if people really find them needful and interesting, will always find their backers. Positive feedback on crowdfunding projects from experts and enthusiasts, as well as from ordinary users, can easily be found on lots of resources with Twitter at the head of the list.

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And it’s not surprising. “Crowdfunding isn’t about collecting money. It’s about making something happen with a crowd of people who believe in something. Normal people, not rich people with a lot of power, just people like you and me.”, says Jozefien Daelemans of Charlie magazine. Jeremiah Owyang of Catalyst Companies goes even further, saying that “Crowdfunding is the highest form of loyalty. It’s shared destiny”.

High technologies also do not remain on the sidelines — crowdfunding platforms are ready to use progress achievements like AI, VR or cryptocurrency.

According to Evan Varsamis (Entrepreneur and Founder / CEO at Gadget Flow Inc. and Marketing Advisor at Qrator Ltd and Comet Core Inc), “.. ICOs still seem to have gained momentum this year. Considering that crowdfunding is one of the most popular forms of investment today, it would be interesting to apply ICO to crowdfunding. “

The technology of crowdfunding was also used by Elon Musk to finance new Tesla machines. Mr. Musk is good at catching the wave of the future, so it’s worth following his example, isn’t it?

Discuss 2018 crowdfunding trends: https://t.me/boomstarternetwork

The level of the market is also developing — in 2014, entrepreneurs raised 2 billion pounds through crowdfunding, and the amount continues to grow. More and more projects are choosing crowdfunding as a source of investment.

And, importantly, many experts recommend crowdfunding as a counterbalance or in addition to traditional investments.

Obviously it’s due to the fact of crowdfunding availability and transparency. Rodrigo Nino of Prodigy Network and Peter Dering of Peak Design agree with it, They say “Crowdfunding is creating a new public market which connects common people with investment opportunities that used to be accessible only by the very wealthy” and “Something we have done really well with our campaigns is that we are extremely transparent. We go to great lengths and to create and justify our designs.” respectively.

So, for it to work, the best way is to follow Mikhail Klenov’s (Half Bikes) words — “You must always be honest with your backers about what you do and why you do it.”

Experts do not always converge in the degree of development dynamics, but almost everyone agrees with the general trend.

Do you know any other strong quotations about crowdfunding? Don’t hesitate to applause and leave them in comments.

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