Boost in the News: Boost Linguistics, a Machine Learning Platform for Writing Marketing Content — Propelify

Jeff Nowak
Boost Linguistics
3 min readAug 17, 2017


*Article by Mufasa of Propelify

Get to know Boost Linguistics, a machine learning platform for writing marketing content.

Describe the problem you are solving.

With consumers becoming more reliant on digital content (on average consuming 3–5 pieces prior to making a purchasing decision), businesses are becoming increasingly reliant on content as a means to drive revenue (77% of firms plan to increase content creation in the next 12 months). Because of an increased workload, content marketers struggle to find sufficient time to craft engaging content causing a drop in marketing ROI.

Why did you start this company? What excites you about it?

We believe that as a vehicle for thought, language shouldn’t serve as a barrier to understanding. Boost Linguistics creates a bridge between creators and audiences, inspiring them to judge not based on word choice complexity but for the caliber of their ideas.

What steps have you taken to validate the market? What traction can you share?

We have spoken with over 120 content marketers. Since opening our beta at SXSW 17, we have acquired 50 new active users without employing any marketing efforts.

Who is your target demographic?

Our buyers are marketing managers and content marketing mangers. Our end users are the marketers on these teams writing and editing the content. We have identified six cities as leaders in content marketing — Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Seattle. These areas are producing the most marketing content and stand to gain the most value from our product.

How do you plan to acquire customers?

We have outlined a precise marketing strategy to reach and engage our target customers. Our three active inbound tactics attract, retain, and delight our customers. First, is an incredible open-source stock photography library for content marketers. Second is an educational outlet to teach content marketing best practices — the first of which is using the Boost Editor. Lastly is a creative canvas to help writers beat writer’s block and explore new post ideas. As brand awareness increases, we can begin to leverage the interest generated from our ad strategy. We have created a strong outbound sales technique — through research via LinkedIn groups and analyzing content performance, we will identify prospects that are struggling to produce engaging content. Based on customer discovery, this powerful combination of inbound marketing, digital advertising, and outbound research will consistently supply leads to our sales pipeline.

Does your product solve a social good?

Currently, there are two companies offering products similar to ours. However, because of their astronomical price points, only Fortune 50 companies can afford their software. We see the Boost Editor as a democratization of this form of artificial intelligence, allowing anyone (from a solopreneur, to the small business owner) to access this technology.

Tell us about your team.

The founding team has been working together for three years in various capacities and environments. Ethan Bresnahan is a quadruple major at the LeBow College of Business focusing on branding and marketing and organizational development and management. Alexandra Dodson is a marketing and communications major focusing on public relations and has a strong background in sales. Jeff Nowak is a graduate of the LeBow College of Business having majored in legal studies. Our development team, Suresh and Warren, bring a combined 20+ years of experience in developing machine learning apps and addressing problems with natural language processing in applications at Comcast.

What is your revenue model or expected revenue model?

Boost users interact with the Boost Editor in two ways: the analysis feature and the suggested changes. We have designed our pricing strategy to maximize the value customers receive. A new customer receives 10 free actions — actions being analyze content and receiving suggestions. Each interaction following is 50 cents. This pricing structure yields $1.50 per piece of content Boosted. Customers are billed at the end of their 30 day cycle.



Jeff Nowak
Boost Linguistics

Write and read about tech, marketing, Irish culture, and advertising. Behind the flap @