5 Things Blockchain Companies Are Doing Wrong

Brayton Williams
Boost VC
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2016

Blockchain, not bitcoin companies.

  1. Finding revenue.

You MUST figure out where the money is coming from. Money won’t come find you. There are a ton of genius technologists in the blockchain space, but the harder part is figuring out how to make money.

2. Blockchain first. Problem second.

Solve a real problem. If the blockchain is the best tool then use it. But never force it. Too many founders love the blockchain and then search for a problem to stick it.

3. Focusing on the technology.

Your customer doesn’t care what tool you use. They want their problem solved. We need to stop talking about the ‘power of the blockchain’. I would also add we need more designers and UI/UX experts in the space. Preach the value you are adding to my life, not the way you are doing it.

4. Being a blockchain company instead of an <Insert Sector> company.

The company brand needs to be focused on the vertical you are tackling whether that be financial services, identity, fraud prevention, etc. You need to be going to those events, speaking with those investors, selling to those customers. Need to expand out of the blockchain bubble.

5. Finding revenue.


6. But really the largest mistake is not joining Boost VC 😀 Apply Now for Tribe 9!

Applications open till Dec 7th. Lucky you! Also what an adorable owl.



Brayton Williams
Boost VC

Co-Founder @BoostVC — Investing in Sci-Fi Tech founders: crypto, VR, AI, space, robotics, biotech, SciFi. Advisor: @etherscan, @mycrypto, Aragon