Boost VC Is Now Investing In Products Built Using Ethereum

We’ve already invested in over 50 Bitcoin companies, now we’re looking for Ethereum companies too.

Brayton Williams
Boost VC
2 min readFeb 22, 2016


Three and a half years ago, we started investing in Bitcoin companies. Not namecoin, dogecoin, peercoin, or any other crypto currency, just Bitcoin. We did this because in order for the blockchain to succeed, all resources needed to be put towards one thing. We wanted everyone rowing forward on the same boat, instead of everyone swimming alone.

2012 till now we have ONLY invested in Bitcoin’s blockchain. In the past few months a few things happened that have brought us to the decision to explore Ethereum projects and companies as an additional investment opportunity.

Why Boost VC is investing in Ethereum Startups

  1. Ethereum developers have demonstrated cohesiveness as an organization under a clearly defined leadership. Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, has shown progress over the course of time based on giving us results. What started as what many, including I, called ‘Vaporware’ — Ethereum is being used in a meaningful capacity. It is no easy task to bring an idea to market. I believe the Ethereum team and contributors will continue to work together and deliver results, allowing Ethereum to thrive as a platform to allow others to build meaningful companies.
  2. Projects are currently being built on top of Ethereum. Only now can companies truly be formed using the Ethereum technology since it is now in production. Although few, we have begun talking to entrepreneurs who jumped into the space because of the innovation of Ethereum.
  3. A few Boost VC portfolio companies are now using Ethereum as their blockchain. This was actually the LARGEST deciding factor for our decision. For three years we have worked with and invested in Bitcoin entrepreneurs. It really wasn’t until some of them approached us and said they were switching off of Bitcoin to Ethereum because of ease of use and a robust toolkit.

Ethereum is now being considered by everyone who is looking at or currently building a blockchain company. We understand the reasons for its recent notoriety and are excited about seeing more people working with the technology. It is still in its infancy but we will do our best to support the entrepreneurs in the space. For three years we at Boost VC have seen the trials and tribulations of starting a blockchain company and we hope to share those lessons learned with others outside of just Bitcoin. Although, Bitcoin is still our first love and where the majority of our investments will continue to happen.

We would love to speak with anyone looking to build a company using Ethereum so shoot me an email at brayton (at)!



Brayton Williams
Boost VC

Co-Founder @BoostVC — Investing in Sci-Fi Tech founders: crypto, VR, AI, space, robotics, biotech, SciFi. Advisor: @etherscan, @mycrypto, Aragon