Boost VC Takes on VR

Boost VC
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2015


Boost VC is excited to announce that we will be accepting 10 Virtual Reality companies into Tribe 6 at Boost. (Applications are open!) This means 50% of the upcoming session will be Digital Reality (VR/AR) companies.

Once our team experienced Virtual Reality over a year ago, we knew we needed to pursue this technology to help bring it to the masses. When we look for sectors to invest in, we look to see where the smartest people in the world are working on either full time or hacking on in their spare time. Andreessen Horowitz’s Chris Dixon, said it well:

“What the smartest people do on the weekend is what everyone else will do during the week in 10 years.”

Brayton Williams and myself trying out some VR Demos

Similar to why we chose to invest in Bitcoin, we see some of the brightest people in the world working on Virtual Reality and we want to be on the ground floor helping them!

We have expanded our already stacked mentor list to include top VR influencers:

Jens Christenson, CEO of JauntVR

“I am excited to help Boost foster the growing VR ecosystem.” — Jens Christenson

David Pastewka, CEO of Twindom

“Twindom has become the leading 3D avatar capture company thanks to Boost VC. I’m excited to be able to work with and assist up and coming VR companies.” — David Pastewka

Blake Commagere, CEO of MediaSpike

“VR is the largest platform opportunity since mobile — and Boost is leading the charge. I am thrilled to be helping the entrepreneurs in this space!” — Blake Commagere

Marshall Millett, CEO of AEMass

“Boost fostered innovative thinking around disruptive cryptocurrency and financial technology; seeing that focused energy on building a worldwide VR industry and community will be truly unique and exciting.” — Marshall Millett

Meron Gribetz, CEO of Meta

“Boost is good at picking early stage industries that are going to explode. Digital Reality is definitely going to be one of them” — Meron Gribetz

Boost VC excels at taking an early technology and building out a network of entrepreneurs, investors, mentors, and enthusiasts around that technology. Over the last three years, we have built an unparalleled network for the Bitcoin ecosystem, and are proud to say that we have now invested in fifty Bitcoin companies. This is the most Bitcoin companies of any fund. We plan to take this same ability and apply it to the Virtual Reality sector.

Our passion and experience at Boost VC is in highlighting a sector and going very deep. We feel that we can, and will, add tremendous value to the Virtual Reality sector, and are very excited about backing one more emerging technology.

On AngelList there are 670 Bitcoin companies. There are only 153 Virtual Reality companies. We want to help grow that number by providing the necessities to start a thriving company. Virtual Reality is going to have an impact on EVERY industry out there and create new ones we have not even thought about! See you in the Matrix.



Boost VC

Managing Director of the @BoostVC Accelerator. Host of The @BoostVC Podcast.,