Tribe 13: Request for Startups — Future of Food

A lot of food today is unhealthy 🤢, unsustainable 🌎 and unaffordable 💰.

Brayton Williams
Boost VC
2 min readSep 18, 2019


What does this look like? Heart disease is the leading killer in the US, obesity is on the rise and our planet is suffering.

Food and diets of the future have to look different than today. A year and a half ago I began thinking more seriously about these two trends and what I could do about it. I decided first to change my own diet and I went vegan (sorry crypto carnivores). I believe a vegan diet is one of the best things you can do in reducing your carbon footprint as an individual and I was able to lose 30 pounds 🙌. This led me further down the rabbit hole.

The Future of Food

Do science fiction books have an answer? Food seems to be quite underwhelming in many of the science fiction futures. Between the Soylent Green human patties and Dune’s close recycling body suits we might need to look elsewhere. Let’s strive for something closer to the Star Trek’s Replicator as the end dream — any food, anytime, anywhere.

I believe the future of food is one of the most important sectors to focus on in this decade and using some of the latest technology can solve some of our largest issues as a species and planet.

What Are We Looking For:

  • Lab Grown Food: 🔬We made our first food investment this year into NewCulture: Lab-Grown Cheese. This is the best of cheese without lactose or all the negative environmental and animal rights issues of needing a cow. Looking for more using hard sciences to replicate foods we eat today.
  • Affordable/Approachable Diets: 💸 Use technology to bring costs down and keep people eating healthy. Currently exploring: using oceans as the new farmland, creating consumer food cults/tribes, new GMO breakthroughs.
  • Eliminating Waste: 🗑️ Too much packaging and too much food goes to waste today. Whether this is solved by recycling, eco friendly packaging or more localized food growing/sharing there is a lot of work to be done here.
  • Food to Change Your Mind: 🍄 Whether it be nootropics or psilocybin it is becoming more mainstream to explore how chemicals and food can enhance us all. Read Michael Pollan’s “How to Change Your Mind” and tell me this wave isn’t coming.

We are searching for the best entrepreneurs using the latest technologies to solve the hardest problems of today. Or as we like to say, making SciFi a Reality. If you are working on the future of food come talk to us!

Apply to Tribe 13 — $500k for SciFi founders —

Or email me — brayton (at) boost (dot) vc — if there are more future of food requests I should be searching for!



Brayton Williams
Boost VC

Co-Founder @BoostVC — Investing in Sci-Fi Tech founders: crypto, VR, AI, space, robotics, biotech, SciFi. Advisor: @etherscan, @mycrypto, Aragon