How to achieve your e-commerce goals in 2021

Robert Haylor
Boost Your Digital Media
4 min readJun 29, 2021

It’s official in 6 months time Christmas Day will be a thing of the past and we’ll all be sat in our lounges watching Christmas TV whilst gnawing our way through a tin of roes.

But before we pull a cracker or 2, we still have 6 months of the year left with which to build and grow the business.

In this post I’d like you to think about the goals you set at the start of 2021, and look at them today. These goals can be both business and personal.

I’ll go ahead and share mine:

  1. To be consistent in business, personal and training
  2. Stop procrastinating, do what needs to be done
  3. Eliminate distractions i.e. social media and shiny stuff.
  4. Monitor finances, what’s being spent, where and on what
  5. Deposit £3,000 into the new savings account by end of 2021
  6. Business turnover to increase to £40,000
  7. Hire a new web developer
  8. Move offices — Torquay to Exeter

Those are my 2021 goals and ultimately what is driving myself forward in the world of business.

For yourself go ahead and take a long look at your goals.

Ask yourself the following questions.

Did I set any goals in the first place?

A worrying trend that I am spotting are those that do not set goals, targets or any kind of milestone with which to measure their own development, business growth and other core principles.

Setting goals, both in business and your personal life, are imperative to leading a successful life. It gives you something to focus ob, a goal to strive for and if you keep moving those goals further along each quarter a hunger to be better.

If you didn’t set goals, maybe do that now and come back to this post in December 2021.

Aim for 80% achievement

For your financial targets, never and I repeat never reduce a target.

If your financial target is to sell £40,000 worth of stuff then that is your target and you must operate at that level to be able to bring in that kind of revenue.

For all your other goals you should be aiming to complete approximately 80% of all the goals you set yourself.

Which means for the goals I’ve set myself I would need to complete at least 6 to be able to say we’re moving in the right direction.

Falling behind? Time to catch up

What is the one thing life is very good at?

Yes its good at throwing us curve balls, those little things we didn’t see, the unexpected events.

Whilst life might throw us these challenges, it is not a time to panic and throw the goals out the window. Your goals are just as vital today as they were when you set them.

For your online store, its time to look at what you’re selling, how much, how many and what you can do bring more people back to your store to shop.

If you’re off track, then the time for action is now. Don’t wait another moment its time to start taking steps to turning those offtrack goals around.


Can you answer why your goals are off track? This isn’t a time for blame, whether its blaming people, the economy, government is about asking yourself why are your goals of track.

For your e-commerce store this could be as simple as didn’t get sales, didn’t get enough traffic, lack of brand awareness etc.

Dig deep into why you’ve not hit your e-commerce goals, the first answer is very rarely the really one, the root cause can sometimes be 2/3 layers down.

So discover the root cause of your off track e-commerce goals and begin to flesh out a solution.

Taking action as soon as possible is vital for any goal, the longer and longer you leave it the shorter time you have to turn it around and, ultimately, the less likely you are to achieve the goal.

Are my goals big enough?

This sounds counterintuitive doesn’t it? In his book, 10X, Grant Cardone details how small goals can, quite simply put us off even attempting to hit them. He recommends we operate at levels 10x that of what we set ourselves.

So if your e-commerce target this year is to make £40,000 you need to be operating at a £400,000 level doing 10X the amount action and putting in 10X the effort.

This is going to mean both working harder but also a lot smarter and pushing through some personal and business boundaries.

Once you have all your answers to the above, then its time to take action and start mobilising your team to assist with achieving your goals.



Robert Haylor
Boost Your Digital Media

Website agency founder & fitness nutter. Dad to one 👨‍👦. Saving for a house 🏠. Engaged to be married 👰‍♀️. Studying money 💷.