Should you settle for ‘doing well’?

Robert Haylor
Boost Your Digital Media
2 min readNov 9, 2021

How many times have you gone to a networking event and spoke to other business people and asked the question. How are you doing? Or How is Business?

9/10 you will get a response similar to “we’re doing really well, we’re doing ok, well we’re still here after these past 12/18 months”. I have often said the words we’re doing well when I’ve been asked how business is.

But should you settle for doing well? or is there more you can be doing to extend your lead.

What does doing well even mean?

To me its a way of saying yes we’re ok, but I really am craving for more, a lot more. I know this because, as I said, I’ve often used those words and I know on the inside I was craving for more.

As time has gone by I’ve realised settling for ‘doing well’ is nothing more than excuse for not going fully after what you want whether thats in business, in your love life, family life or even in physical training.

Its a way of holding yourself back from your own true potential.

Essentially your language is telling you and others around you that you have settled for an ok standard.

You’v become no different to the other competitors outside your door.

So what does the opposite of ‘doing well’ look like.

I’m starting to think its a state of mind, its a focus and unquenchable focus on growing, succeeding and pushing for what you truly want, you know your goals and going all in to get it.

None of the half ass movements but every ounce of your being going into achieving whatever it is you want out of your life.

Its the 5am email, the 9pm phone call or staying later in the office to complete the assignment of the week. It’s putting in the hours to achieve the goal no matter what the cost.

My take away for you would be this, if you’re settling for a ‘doing well’ kind of business then its time to remind yourself why you started and get yourself back into the swing of running your business.



Robert Haylor
Boost Your Digital Media

Website agency founder & fitness nutter. Dad to one 👨‍👦. Saving for a house 🏠. Engaged to be married 👰‍♀️. Studying money 💷.