Where Is My Advertising Budget Going?

Krystal Lim
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2017

We get it, advertising for your event might be daunting, time-consuming, and above all else, costly.

Time and again, we’ve noticed that the largest concern and biggest questions on the minds of our advertising customers are:

Where is my advertising budget going?

We understand that as small businesses and event managers, every cent spent on advertising has to be carefully calculated. More so if somebody else is doing your advertising on your behalf, and all you see is money spent, and no results yielded.

So, in true academic fashion, we’ve decided to break down where your budget goes, what you are truly buying, and if it is truly bang for your buck.

Types of Ads

Generally running ads on Facebook, what you see is what you get. Your ads are shown on people’s news feeds, with enough information to pique their interest to click into your page.

However, what these ads really boil down to, and where they differ, is how they are created, and who they are shown to.

In this case, here’s 3 kinds of ads our advertising team at Boostable generally like to create.

Detailed Targeting

Detailed targeting basically sources for people who have interests in line with what your event offers. This ensures that the money you’re spending buy you the right views, only from the right people.

Lookalike Audience

Lookalike audiences are a custom audience created out of an email list of past customers you have had. What this does is it finds people of similar interests and demographics of your past customers and show your ads to them.

In the case of Boostable, we pull your list of customers straight from Eventbrite and create an Adset specifically with lookalike customers for you, without you having to lift a finger.


When your ads have been running long enough and has garnered enough clicks into it, here’s where retargeting ads come in.

These ads make sure that people who have once clicked on your ads into the landing page will be prompted yet again and reminded to make a conversion. Retargeting ads have proven to be extremely effective in getting increased conversions.

Here at Boostable, we inject a pixel into your Eventbrite page once you sign up with us, tracking every one who clicks into your page. This allows us to set up retargeting ads once it’s ready.

Results to Expect

How many sales you should expect for a certain budget will vary pretty widely depending on how well the ads perform and how well your site converts, but we do have a few ballpark stats to help you make that decision. Generally, for every $50 in spend we expect to see about 5,000–7,000 impressions. The click-through rate is normally around 1–2%. Once a visitor is on your site, the conversion rate can be anywhere from 0% to 3%.

With Boostable, you can set your weekly budget anywhere that makes sense for you, with a weekly minimum of $100. Even better, we handle all optimization, creative and delivery for you. All you have to do, is sit back and watch the conversions roll in.

Contact us at team@boostable.com and find us here.

