5 Myths of Digital Marketing and Social Media

Nia Cubilla
Published in
4 min readNov 2, 2019

We are in 2018 (at the time of writing this entry), we have cars that drive themselves, companies that start distributing items with drones, more and more devices that recognize voice commands and connected to the internet, technology “wearable” (wearable) it is a day-to-day thing, but in contrast, the marketing teams still have the same excuses 7 years ago for not adapting to the new digital channel and leaving all the management in the hands of the “experts”.

To begin, we have to put aside the arguments that mythify digital marketing, which although it is the most recent channel (square for those who follow the 4 P marketing), is not so new. Just taking a quick look at the companies that dominate the internet today we will see that none is less than 5 years old:

  • Google: 19 years
  • LinkedIn: 16 years
  • Facebook: 14 years
  • YouTube: 13 years
  • Twitter: 12 years
  • Instagram: 8 years

“Evangelizing” the other areas has become a task for digital teams, which is why I want to share some digital marketing myths.

Myth 1: Digital teams see digital in their day to day, traditional marketing does not

I do not imagine any marketer making radio spots, briefs and copys in any activity outside of work, however, it is very common to use at least one social network for personal purposes. Sharing photos, messages and even videos with our circle of friends at least leaves us the most basic knowledge of using these platforms, which brings us to the second myth.

Myth 2: Digital communication is very different from traditional channels

It is! Recognizing this difference is the first step on the right path for the management of brands in digital. What if we take the second step and learn this “new” communication?

If you already come from the marketing world, it will be much easier because you already know the basics of marketing, so you will be ready to adapt it to your brand.

Myth 3: Not knowing where or how to find guidelines for brand management

It says a popular saying: the one who seeks finds. Nothing so true in an internet where search engines are the tool almost by default to navigate. In this link you will see how.

Myth 4: Internet and digital marketing is very changeable, only experts are up to date

Very good! Second success … more or less. It is absolutely true that almost everything related to the internet is constantly changing, but not even the specialists are aware of the most recent time, that is why we meet, share experiences, read and / or write blogs (like this one). ).

That this is not an excuse for not daring to venture into the digital world. Anyway, you can get more information on this link.

Myth 5: Only an expert can manage the strategy / digital communication of a brand

Being an expert in an area that is constantly changing does not make much sense. Working digitally involves a culture of continuous learning. No university or theoretical course prepares you for the real world of internet where there are many trolls, haters and other situations where everything can fail.

Most of the specialists I know learned on their own, testing, experimenting, measuring results and retesting. I understand that this may sound intimidating, so if you prefer to shorten that path, I recommend this course Introduction to Digital Marketing dictated by specialists who live to position brands on the Internet.

Try to talk and learn from those who have a little more experience, but waiting seated for someone to come and teach you is the main limitation to learn something new and grow professionally.

BONUS: I do not have time 🙁

We all have the same time. In the same 7 days of the week / 24 hours a day when you do not have time to upgrade, Elon Musk is improving autonomous transport and looking for how to take us to Mars.

Conclusions: digital marketing myths

The Internet as a democratizing agent of knowledge, makes the same information available to all, is in everyone’s interest to learn the small and large differences with traditional marketing.

Professionals who do not adapt to new trends run the risk of not surviving in this hyperconnected world, after all, companies now require more than ever to optimize their resources.

Do you work in digital and have you heard any other myth?

With our team of experts we investigate, analyze and design strategic recommendations that will allow you to achieve your business objectives. To do this, we define the objectives that we want to achieve with the website, which differentiates it from its competitors, and which is of value to the client. Write us now: hello@getboosted.co



Nia Cubilla

Apasionada de la vida. Fan de StarWars, anime, comics, Marvel, Legofan. Panamá 🇵🇦 https://ideasdenegocios.app