How to sync your data across multiple devices

Boost Note
Boost Note
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2017

You guys can install Boostnote on several devices — Mac, Windows, Linux, Android and iOS — and sync all your data using Dropbox.

This feature is coming after iOS v1.0.5 and Android v1.0.4.

Introducing how to sync it 💪

What’s Boostnote?

Boostnote is an Open source note-taking app for programmers.
We have got over 4,800 stars at GitHub 🌟

1, Launch Boostnote Mobile

Open the side menu in app and press “Dropbox”.

2, Sign in to Dropbox

When you press the sign in link to Dropbox, it will transition to the Dropbox login screen on web browser.

Sign in to Dropbox there.

3, Allow the Boostnote Mobile

After login, allow Boostnote Mobile.

4, Enter the code

Enter the Dropbox’s code displayed on browser to the form in Boostnote Mobile app.

5, Check the folder is created.

Check “app/boostnote-mobile” folder is created on Dropbox.

6, Set the Folder to Desktop app

Setting the “app/boostnote-mobile” folder to storage from Desktop app of Boostnote.

・You likely fill in “Name” area.
・”app/boostnote-mobile” set in “Location”.
・Press the “Create” button.

7, Check the syncing.

Create a folder in the synced storage and make some markdown notes.
Snippets are not supported.

Check “boostnote.json” and “/ ******.cson” file created in “boostnote-mobile /notes/” floder.

8, Synching is completed!

Reload the mobile app. Finally, you can sync all data between all your devices!

Enjoy Boostnote 😆

We are waiting for your Pull request!

* Boostnote related information



Boost Note
Boost Note

Develop as one, grow as one. Boost Note is a powerful, lightspeed collaborative workspace for developer teams.