Boostnote v0.11.10 Release on Halloween 🎃

Boost Note
Boost Note
Published in
4 min readOct 21, 2018

We are very pleased to announce that Boostnote v0.11.10 is available on Mac, Windows and Linux for everyone.

Many contributors send us the many awesome features and improvements this time too. Thank you hackers 💪

Dracula theme 🦇

yougotwill added the New UI theme −−Dracula🧛‍🎃 You can set it from Preferences / Interface.

Contributor: yougotwill 🍻

Automatic table of contents generation for Markdown

mbarczak added this it for Automatically generated TOC.

  • Adds table of contents for any currently displayed Markdown note or Markdown snippet, at current cursor position.
  • Consequent generations update existing TOC.
  • Generated TOC is case sensitive to handle #2067

Shortcut : SHIFT+CTRL+T
Menu : File / Generate/Update Markdown TOC

Contributor: mbarczak 👏

All Updates

Features 🥁

Bug Fixes 🐛

Dev 🛠

📣 The Boostnote Team launched IssueHunt which is an issue-based bounty platform for open source projects.

Anyone can put a bounty on not only a bug but also on OSS feature requests listed on IssueHunt. Collected funds will be distributed to project owners and contributors.

Boost Note for Teams

We’ve revealed a new collaboration wiki service called BoostHub.

It will be a collaboration version of Boost Note but much more powerful. The feature, called “Custom Blocks”, will let you make custom react components, integrated with various 3rd party app apis like GitHub and Trello, and embed them into markdown contents like MDX.

To know more, please check this slide.



Boost Note
Boost Note

Develop as one, grow as one. Boost Note is a powerful, lightspeed collaborative workspace for developer teams.