Recent Boost Note developments (December)

Boost Note
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2020

Here’s a compilation of what happened in the Boost Note community since the last update.

Sneak preview of upcoming updates

Expect these in the next release of Boost Note!

  • Colored tags
  • Internal note linking
  • Global search menu
  • Attachments included in PDF/HTML exports
  • Save code to file button
  • Improved importing of Boostnote Legacy notes

New feature suggestions

Give these a 👍 if you are interested in them!

In case you missed them, here are some suggested features that might be worth giving a 👍

Hop in on these discussions for improvements to Boost Note 💬

Bugs to fix

Here are new bugs that have been reported. Help squash them by submitting a PR 🐛

Issues with updates

Help each other out by providing more info about these issues! 🤝


