Update Notes v0.5-v0.6.1

Junyoung Choi
Boost Note
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2020

We released v0.6.1 of BoostNote.next last Saturday (June 6th).

Note Editing Toolbar

In the previous version, we had two separate toolbars on the top and bottom. From v0.5, we have combined these into one. It allows for much better use of the UI space as well as allowing for bigger control buttons, helping usability and accessibility.

Compact Note List

In this release v0.6 we introduced another note list style, Compact. For now, it shows title only. We could show more note information, but we want to see how users would feel. One day, we might introduce completely customizable note list items so you can decide which information should be shown in the note list.

To apply the compact style, please open the context menu from the note list by right-clicking.


  • More context menus
  • Include front matters when exporting a note as a markdown file
  • Hide window rather than closing (macOS only)
  • Discard duplicated style of markdown preview

What will come next?

From v0.7, we will introduce file system based storage so you can use conventional file cloud services, like Google Drive and Dropbox, to sync your notes just like you did in the legacy app. It will be shipped at the end of June.

Boost Note for Teams

We’ve revealed a new collaboration wiki service called BoostHub.

It will be a collaboration version of Boost Note but much more powerful. The feature, called “Custom Blocks”, will let you make custom react components, integrated with various 3rd party app apis like GitHub and Trello, and embed them into markdown contents like MDX.

To know more, please check this slide.



Junyoung Choi
Boost Note

CTO of BoostIO, Creator of Boostnote and Prismy, a member of unifiedjs, Typescript lover