Update Notes v0.7.0 and next road map

Junyoung Choi
Boost Note
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2020

File System based storage

We finally introduced file system based storage. You can select a folder in your local machine and save all notes and attachments in the folder. Every note and attachment are stored as a single file so you will be able to access all data directly via any applications. Structure of the storage is quite similar to the one of the legacy app although not compatible yet. But we will introduce a migration feature, which will clone the legacy storage and convert it into the new format, in this July. Once it’s ready, you will be able to try out the new app with your data of the legacy app. Also the storage is still in early stage so it won’t be automatically refreshed when its files are changed from outside of the app. So if you want to try the storage with conventional cloud storage services like DropBox, Google Drive and iCloud, you will need to refresh the app after your storage folder is synced just like you’ve been doing with the legacy app. But we have a plan to introduce the watching file changes feature so you won’t need to refresh the app manually anymore. Once it’s done, we will investigate about how we should introduce this new storage format to our mobile app.

Short term plan(in this summer)

Tons of issues and pull requests are submitted while we’re focusing on the new storage feature. So we’re going to consume those issues and prs as many as possible in this week and the next week. After merging some prs, we will deploy v0.7.x with the migration from the legacy app in the June. Then we will start working on markdown extensions along with the file changes watch feature. The markdown extension feature will let you introduce powerful markdown plugins from unified ecosystem. Those two features will be shipped in v0.8.x around the end of August. And after v0.8.x app becomes stable enough, we will slowly start deprecating the legacy app and providing a rock solid migration flow so most people can move to the new app happily.

Long term plan(in this year)

Until the end of this year, we will prepare the solution for file system based storage access for the mobile app. Once it’s completely done, you will be able to sync your file system based note storage to mobile devices via various file cloud storage services like Google Drive. Also, we’re preparing a crazy feature in other project called Boost Hub. It will be a collaboration version of Boost Note but much more powerful. The feature will let you make custom react components, integrated with various 3rd party app apis like Github and Trello, and embed them into markdown contents like MDX. Currently, we’ve already prepared basic functionality of the feature and we are working on polishing its UX now. Once the feature becomes stable and easy to use, we will introduce it into Boost Note app. You will be able to make your own workspace with real data in Boost Note app. But for users who just want to have a simple note app, we will definitely provide an option to opt out this feature completely and keep the app light weight.

Thanks for reading!

Boost Note for Teams

We’ve revealed a new collaboration wiki service called BoostHub.

It will be a collaboration version of Boost Note but much more powerful. The feature, called “Custom Blocks”, will let you make custom react components, integrated with various 3rd party app apis like GitHub and Trello, and embed them into markdown contents like MDX.

To know more, please check this slide.



Junyoung Choi
Boost Note

CTO of BoostIO, Creator of Boostnote and Prismy, a member of unifiedjs, Typescript lover