What’s new in Boost Note in Sep: Increased the free plan, Page load speed improvement, Desktop in-page search & Many More!

Boost Note
Boost Note
Published in
4 min readSep 22, 2021

With the last release, we introduced Page load speed improvement, Revision diff and Desktop in-page search which many of you had given us feedback about!

Besides these new features, we are also introducing the Free plan expansion 🔥 So here goes!


1. Plan changes
2. Page load speed improvement
3. Desktop in-page search
4. Revision diff
5. Editor customization
- Spelling check
- Custom css style for markdown renderer
- Editor font
- Toggle line number gutter

1. Plan changes

Boost Note can be used for personal use, but it is more powerful for when used to share and collaborate in a team.

We’ve decided to increase the limitations of the free plan to make it easy for your dev team to try Boost Note- now you can invite three Admin and Members to your space in the free plan!

Invite your dev team today to start collaboration.

2. Page load speed improvement

The app is now caching initial page data for folder pages and document pages. When you try to open a page you have opened before, the page will use the cached page data and be shown immediately.

3. Desktop in-page search

In-page search is available for the desktop app. (macOS : `Cmd + F`, Windows/Linux : `Ctrl + F`)​

4. Revision diff

You can see the diff between revisions from the revision modal.​

5. Editor customization

We’ve added more editor customization. All settings are available from the settings modal (macOS: `Cmd + ,`, Windows/Linux: `Ctrl + ,` → Preferences tab.

Spelling check

Custom CSS style for markdown renderer

Editor font

Toggle line number gutter

Block Editor (Closed Beta)

We’re currently preparing a new document format to provide a more integrated working environment. In this format, you can add GitHub Issues, Jira tickets, and any other external data to a document.

Once they are added to a document, they will be kept updated in the document so you can easily look over their status easily without opening them individually one by one. Also, you can remap properties from multiple sources to customize your blocks more flexibly.

👉 Block Editor introduction and roadmap

If you’re interested, you can register our closed beta program from the settings modal.

​Thanks for reading!

Check our every update on the changelog. Let us know what you think of Boost Note — we always love hearing your feedback over on the Community Forum!

And if you’d like to stay in the loop, follow us on Twitter or star GitHub repository or join our Slack group.

Our community always welcomes you ❤️​

Migrate documents now​

​Boost Note supports importing documents from other note-taking services such as Notion, Confluence, Evernote, Dropbox Paper, Quip, etc., and file formats for Markdown, Text, and HTML.

Our mission is to “boost developer’s productivity and creativity” and we are passionate about developing a №1 tool for developers.

There are great note apps and wiki tools out there, but they not always developer-friendly. If you believe in the potential of Boost Note, please switch over today with the migration feature from other tools.

Learn how to migrate



Boost Note
Boost Note

Develop as one, grow as one. Boost Note is a powerful, lightspeed collaborative workspace for developer teams.