Being A Startup Funder Is A Marathon

We Help HP and Visa to Build Diverse Talent Pipelines

Crypto Influence
2 min readOct 26, 2018


Clarence Wooten is the founder of STEAMRole and RoleCoin, a serial tech entrepreneur.

STEAMRole is an app built concurrently with a blockchain component- the RoleCoin. RoleCoin is the digital currency used in the STEAMRole ecosystem to incentivize both students and role models on the STEAMRole app.

“kind of like Tinder for finding your dream career. But instead of swiping dates, you’re swiping through role models.”

RoleCoin is a digital currency and proof of progress protocol. It applies to the STEAMRole app, but also outside of it. STEAMRole has an enterprise business model, to help companies build their diverse talent pipelines.

He gave us 3 Top advises Clarence gave to startup founders:
1. Being a startup founder, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. You got to make incremental progress, little bits of progress every day. And those little bits of progress add up over a 10 year period to potentially a massively successful company, but they don’t add up too much over a one year period. And you may be disappointed and what’s happened in the first year, but you got to stay with it.
2. Do what you’re passionate about. It doesn’t make sense to dedicate, 10 years of your life potentially, or more to something that you’re not passionate about.
3. Lots of it has to do with luck. Luck is when opportunity meets preparation. So as long as you’re prepared you when you’re presented with various opportunities, you’ll be able to connect the dots and make them happen. is a DAPP/ a media site build upon BOOSTO, an influencer driven decentralized DApp store. Follow us on
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