How to Create Your Killer 10-Slide Pitch Deck

Crypto Influence
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2018

When you’re seeking funding from investors, your first step should be creating an impressive pitch deck. You will often have only one opportunity to pitch, so you have to make sure that your pitch and pitch deck are on topic and that every slide stands out. To be better prepared on both your pitch and pitch deck, you need to understand your audience and know what they’re looking for — check out the three types of investors here.

Slide #1 Problem
This is where you present the status quo. It is the most important slide because it states the issue that you and your audience are facing. Outline the problem that you’re going to solve, and explain why solving the problem is important. Try to be down to earth. Create empathy with your investors. Don’t use jargon or debatable arguments. Just be straightforward.

Slide #2 The Solution
The solution is obviously about you, your company, and your products. Mention some core functions of your products, and state how those functions and products address the problem.

Slide #3 Your Product
How does your product work? Show a product demo video rather than a live demonstration. This is just to give a glimpse of the product. Show your aha moment during the demo. Do not waste it!

Slide #4 Market Size
It’s time to show why your investors will be getting a sizable return. Tell them about the size of market — the bigger, the better. Also, explain how mature the market is, and make sure that it’s a growing market.

Slide #5 Competitive Analysis
Compare your company to your competitors. If you have a product that stands far apart from your competitors’ offerings, then this is the best time to make people believe your claims. Show your niche. You can even do a SWOT analysis.

Slide #6 Milestones
You already have your MVP, customers, and users; if you have sales, that’s even better. On this slide, show off what you’ve accomplished. This slide will give you credibility as you talk because you’ve already earned achievements.

Slide #7 Team

Don’t be a solo founder. Work together for a while. Be good with technology. Have at least a CEO and CTO. Make sure that you have relevant expertise. Tell investors about your team’s experiences. Prove that you have a solid team and that you’re the right person to run the company.

Slide #8 Financial Projections
Many people have difficulties making financial projections. So, how can you predict? For the first year, you can predict month by month. You can also predict in three- or five-year increments. You probably won’t need much detail.

Slide #9 Use of Funds

In this slide, state your company’s valuation; reveal how much money you need to raise and how much equity you’re sharing. Definitely tell people how you’re going to allocate the funds.

Slide #10 Q&A or Contact Info
If you have time, do a Q&A section. You can address critical questions that may help you improve your deck for the future.
If you don’t have time, change this slide to your contact email or QR code.

You now know the trick to creating a killer 10-slide pitch deck. Make sure that everything is on point and that there are no unwanted slides. Good luck raising your funding! Before you go, the last but not least item to remember is to be confident! Keep telling yourself, “I can do this!”

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