Stan Lee || “Excelsior!” The Hero Behind Heroes

- God wants to read the latest comics, so he took Stan Lee.

4 min readNov 15, 2018


From Ironman to Deadpool, Stan Lee’s heroes are strongly rooted in everyone’s hearts. These great figures have taught us all to be the good that we want to see in the world.

I was not surprised to hear that Stan Lee passed away; he was 95 years old, and news about his recent diseases was well known. Fans were aware that he had already recorded several bonus screens for other Marvel movies before Avengers 3.

The last time fans saw Lee on screen was in Venom. He was wearing a brown jacket and walking his dog. Stan Lee told the main actor, “Don’t give up on her, either of you.”

Marvel fans have learned to enjoy looking for this adorable grandpa in every Marvel movie. For just a few seconds, he could be anyone in any scene. He has appeared as a passerby, driver, deliveryman, store owner, and goalkeeper. Occasionally, he has even shown up in a background photo or poster.

“Wait! I’ve got so many more stories to tell!”

Today, this scene is very sad. I wish that I could listen to more of his stories.

Lee was born on December 28, 1922, in a one-bedroom apartment in New York. He attended the DeWitt Clinton High School and worked small jobs that included writing obituaries and press releases for a news service and acting as an office boy. His childhood was influenced by books and movies. He dreamed of someday writing “The Great American Novel.”

In 1942, he joined the United States Army and served stateside in the Signal Corps. After completing his military service, Lee joined Atlas Comics. During the late 1950s, Lee’s publisher, Goodman, was in competition with DC Comics. He asked Lee to create a new superhero team. Lee created a team called the Fantastic Four and superheroes such as the Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Spider-Man, the X-Men, Doctor Strange, and many others.

All of the heroes that he created have these two characteristics:

1. Every hero starts with a very ordinary life, just like Lee himself.

2. These heroes are not perfect. They are regular people. They sometimes get sick or sad. They laugh. They cry.

All heroes have their own imperfections, just like all of us do. Their imperfections make them heroes.

“Comic books could change the world, too.”

In 1971, Lee was asked to write a story about the negative effects of drugs. The story appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man. However, the Comics Code Authority (CCA) was against the portrayal of drugs.

Lee and Goodman still published the story, disregarding the code violation warning. The story became very popular, and Marvel was commended for spreading the responsible message. The reaction forced the CCA to abolish the code and permit negative depictions of drugs.

Since 1975, Lee has been the figurehead and public face of Marvel Comics.

Data from Lee’s followers can be found all around the world and in all age groups.

When we grow up, we face many pressures. Life gets boring. We often rely on books and movies to provide the excitement that we need. Although we know that superheroes don’t exist in reality, we’re still willing to spend a buck to see them on screen and cheer for them as they save the world. Lee created the hope that everyone goes looking for. As long as we are still willing to believe in superheroes, the world can become a better place. Changes are made by ordinary people like you and me.

Goodbye, Stan Lee — Excelsior

“Excelsior” is the catchphrase that Lee always used to close out his comic book columns. He once explained to an interviewer that it was “one expression that they’re not going to know what it means, and they won’t know how to spell it.” He didn’t want his competitors to copy him. “And that’s where Excelsior came from, and they never did take up on it, thank goodness,” he added.

Each person might have his or her own understanding of “Excelsior.” However, it’s now and forever an empowering and optimistic “Goodbye.”

Let’s end the story with Seth Rogen’s tweet:

“Thank you Stan Lee for making people who feel different realize they are special.”




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