The Secret Sauce!

Crypto Influence
Published in
4 min readJul 31, 2018

“A 5 step guide to optimize your attendance to any blockchain event!”

On March 15th, 2018 the BOOSTO team attended their first ever crypto conference together. Up until that point our amazingly charismatic CEO Heidi was touring blockchain events solo, speaking and spreading her energetic enthusiasm to wherever she could. However, it was time for the rest of us to catch up!

BOOSTO At Token Fest

That particular event had a lot of issues, the main being that they took our money…but then forgot to give us our booth. We were not in the agenda, and the person whom we were communicating with via email had recently left the company. The only acknowledgment of our existence was that our logo was indeed on their website…albeit in the wrong section. To say our first venture into the event space was a little rocky would have been a massive under-exaggeration….it was umm…VERY rocky to say the least.

But atlast, we made it work!. When the event coordinator could not be found we procured an fan empty booth, and then relocated it to an optimal spot that was in the center of all foot traffic. Once we were all set up our booth was three times the size of the ones we had purchased. The event coordinators were surprisingly not only just ok with this, but they also upgraded all of our badges to VIP w/ additional speaking opportunities.

On top of all of this, we also procured some media passes, which led to us breaking out the camera that we conveniently brought with us and performing attendee interviews. Too say the event ended smoothly would have also been a massive under-exaggeration…it was umm…VERY smoothly to say the least!

Heidi interviewing

Our team may have been saved by our CEO’s inability to ever take a step back in the face of adversity, but it also motivated us to create a set of guidelines that we’ve been following since; guidelines that up until now have been our “SECRET SAUCE!”

You see, now 6 month later, we attend an event at least once a week! Some examples include GBC, BCS, WITI, BEF, Blockchain Connect, Impact Summit and GBForum. We’ve even had the pleasure of hosting our own event during Consensus Week!

Heidi’s panel @ Global Blockchain Forum

In each occurrence, the following “secret sauce” has never ever allowed us to leave without gaining something of value!

The Secret Sauce:

  1. Make sure everyone is a superhero!

If we have five team members attending, then we make sure that every team member is capable of doing every role. If for whatever reason the only team member available at the time to get on stage is the nervous office intern…well you best believe its still going to happen!

2. Embrace our individual strengths!

If you have a booth, then there is bound to be at least 100 product pitches performed by the end of day. We prefer to do ours through the use of decks…but each deck is different depending on who is pitching. A uniformed standard pitch does not work. Each individual team member has their own personality strengths and if you allow their pitch to revolve around these strengths then it will ensure that the strength of your product also shines through!

3. Don’t ever accept a singular role!

If you are speaking, also try to get a booth once you are there! If you have a booth, then try and get a media pass. Never accept a singular role. The ability to network with the event coordinators is just as important as networking with the attendees…once you are in the building, immediately make your presence known, and your availability to fill in for any slots that may be open!

4. Control + S

This is a new one for us! We initially did a very poor job of “saving our work!” We get so busy that we forget to take pictures. Constant updates are great for social media presence, however, what we truly mean by “ctrl + s” is to take a SCREENSHOT of the event page. Conferences are continuously updating their websites, if you have a logo or a speaker profile on their website, you want to save that for future promotion!

5. The Secret Sauce!

This step is by far the most important step within the 5 steps that you just read! The step, is to have your own set of steps! That might sound overly “meta” of us, but it is by far our greatest x-factor. Experiment yourself, find out what works for you, and then create your own secret sauce! Everyone’s will be different, but acknowledging that you need your own grove is imperative for success…don’t just copy ours…use it as motivation to whip up your own!

That’s it for the “sauce” guys! I hope you all find our recipe helpful, and we’ll be seeing all of you at our upcoming panel during Blockworld! Cheers!

BOOSTO is an influencer driven decentralized App store aims to empower creators and makers.



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