Low Intent & High Intent Structure

Published in
5 min readOct 17, 2022

What Is A Keyword Intent?

A Keyword Search Intent is an actual Goal a user has in mind when they are putting a query in search engines. It shows that the person is actively looking for a product or service to buy.

Keyword Intent can be called one of the most vital features of any Paid Search Campaign. Without the fundamental intent of the potential targeted customers’ search queries, even a perfectly curated PPC campaign would fail.

Why Is Keyword Intent Important To Consider?

Considering Keyword Search Intent for the approach you’re drafting for your campaign is important due to these reasons:

#Keyword Intent High Stature In Google Eyes

Showing up the accurate result against the query of a searcher is the ultimate goal of Google, which practically makes it a very vital feature to consider for SEO. When someone puts a query and receives a result that isn’t satisfying the Intent — It could be irrelevant & a total mismatch, it sends a signal that the Search Intent isn’t matched which might possibly hurt the website owners.

#Expand Reach Across Different Funnel Levels

Whether you’re running a PPC Campaign or doing Content Marketing — Keyword Search Intent needs to be the driving force. The more specific & narrowed your Campaign or Content will be, the higher are the chances to reach more customers across different funnel levels. You need to cover all the bases from the one who is still discovering to the one who’s looking to convert, you can reach them all by serving the intent.

#Potentially Improve Rankings

Google has three primary metrics for ranking: Relevance, Authority & User Satisfaction. It’s not that hard to grasp the idea & improve your Keyword Search Intent practice to reflect & resonate with the searcher’s query intent.

This approach can not only improve Google’s algorithms but also Shopify’s ranking on the App Store. Your ranking will be positively affected if you provide website traffic with search terms that include Shopify.

What Problems Brand Face In Searching & Targeting Right Keyword Intents

#Unaware Of Keyword Search Intent

One of the major mistakes that many marketers are victims of is the lack of knowledge about a concept called Keyword Search Intent. Before writing the content or drafting a PPC campaign, they just take a look at High Volume Keywords without paying any heed to the Intents it serves. 99% of the queries fall under four different Search Intent Queries, and yet a major chunk of the brands are unaware of them.

#No Optimisation For User Experience

For SEO in 2021 and might even in 2022, User Experience is the Key. As mentioned, Google wants to show the best answer against the User’s Search Query, and based on how it interacts with the results, Google either Up Ranks or Down Ranks the page. Exploding Pop-Ups, Minute Sized Fonts & Congested Paragraphs are one of the areas that hurt User Experience.

#No Proper Study Of SERPs

Brands make mistakes by just relying on the working of Currently Top Ranked Pages to reap out the Search Intent, which doesn’t serve their motive most of the time. The Ranking of the Page can change tomorrow, but the Trends & History of your chosen keywords would be different & more solid, which is being missed by many brands.

Difference B/w High Intent & Low Intent Keywords?

High Intent Keywords are those which are mostly Commercial in nature. The searcher’s intent behind this query is more transactional as they’re looking to buy the product/service.

On the other hand, Low Intent Keywords are more Navigational & Informational intent in nature. The users are surfing to collect information on a topic, which can be considered as less likely for conversion.

Types Of Intent Queries

There are three basic types of Search Queries:

  • Informational: This query is of low intent, as mentioned. The intent behind this query is to Acquire Information on a given topic. This can be distinguished as “Question Keywords” as they are more based on “What” “How” “Which” and many more.
  • Navigational: This query is too of low intent. The intent behind this query is to locate a particular site. This intent majorly serves those brands who are already established, and people have heard their name i.e. Facebook.
  • Commercial: This query is more of a High Intent. The intent behind this query is to locate products or services to purchase. The potential customer has already an idea about the product or service, they are looking for the provider to convert with.

What Is the Benefit Of Targeting Both High & Low Intent Keywords?

Considering the idea of Funnel Stages insight, there are many people who would be at the Commercial Stage, while many others would still be at the Informational stage.

The idea of nurturing is to target the people of both stages because with the High Intent Commercial Keywords, your brand would Trigger the potential customer to convert with you, and with the Low Intent Informational Keywords, your brand could nurture the potential customer to reach a point where they can convert with you.

How BoostRoas Can Help In Establishing A Solid Keywords Intent Structure

1)Modified Keywords

We modify different queries around the keywords to Identify the Intents that can potentially help reap the fruit. Each keyword with modification is based on what it can potentially rank in i.e knowledge Panels, Featured Snippets, or Related Questions.

2)Competitors Analysis

We keep a strict eye on every step that your competitor takes. The idea is to quickly gauge what they are doing and draft a plan even faster to get one step ahead to take the lead.

3)MetaData & Content-Type Intent Match

Typing in the query & getting a result shows what Google considers the best match. We not only work on the Keyword Search Intent but the whole Content & Concept that revolves around it to make sure that we’ve everything covered.

4)Format Content & Campaigns For SERP Features

Clients normally have Content or a Page that they think should rank, but it doesn’t. With our 360 Experience, we can tell that they all have a Search Intent Problem. So, before we jump on writing new content or Drafting Campaigns, we optimize the already made one.

5)High & Low Intent Keywords Budget Allocation

Failing to understand how much should be allocated to both High & Low Intent Keywords would do nothing, but exhaust you & your budget. Keeping your stakes in our sights, we perfectly balance the budget among both intents to get your quality leads to convert and nurture the potential to reach the commercial stage.

