B2B Lead Generation Strategies You Can Implement in 2020

Joseph S
Published in
5 min readMar 30, 2019

Are you a b2b marketer looking for some lead generation ideas that can drive your business growth? Only a b2b marketer knows there is nothing more important than acquiring a steady stream of leads for the business. A study shows that more 85% of B2B marketers say lead generation is their most important content marketing goal.

There is an umpteen number of b2b lead generation strategies like SEO, PPC, search & display, social media and content marketing that will allow your business to thrive in 2020.

But the biggest secret to effective lead generation in 2020 is to know what lead generation trends that work and when to adapt and optimize those marketing strategies for better growth. Also, you can read our another blog to Lead Generation Strategies and Steps to Convert Leads to Sales.

What is B2B Lead Generation?

B2B Lead generation can be described as a process involved in the marketing strategy that involves stimulating and capturing interest in a product or service offered by the specific company which results in the creation of a dependable sales pipeline.

Whether you run a brick-and-mortar boutique or a big organization:

  • The first stepping stone to understanding lead generation tactics is to define a lead- A lead is defined as a person who has piqued interest in your company’s product/service in a lucrative sense.
  • Next in line, is to assert why lead generation is necessary. Instead of finding customers with mass advertising and email blasts, marketers must now focus on being found and learn to build continuous relationships with buyers.
  • The buying process has changed, and marketers need to find new ways to reach buyers and get heard through the noise.

There are many ways that lead generation can be carried out in the present day intensely active digital market. Today, it uses advanced technologies like digital marketing channels and has been undergoing monumental shifts in recent years from the rise of new online and social techniques.

Further, the abundance of instant online information has paved way for the influx of the ‘self-directed buyer’ whilst the emergence of innovative techniques to connect and quantify the obtained potential leads before passing them to sales have shot up exponentially.

Few of the Tested, Tried and Proven B2B Lead Generation Tactics 2019 -

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The immense value of SEO for businesses has always been something that most companies and brands have accepted. SEO’s make it a point to understand your target audience and the associated latest trends to boost your brand relevance and in the process, also generate leads.

Any business is going to generate leads on it if it has a certain kind of credibility, this can be effectively provided by an SEO. Improve your lead quality with our SEO services NJ — identify & deliver more leads that close, and close faster.

Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)

PPC (search ads, display ads, landing pages, etc) is an effective strategy of tapping audiences that might be interested in your line of services. This technique gives you greater control over the keywords with which you want to be associated. As the name implies you only pay when someone clicks on your link.

PPC leads are of higher quality because the potential client is often searching for a specific solution. Remember A/B testing is a must for all the ads.

Webinars and Video Marketing

The demand for the digital video is exploding among the consumers and will make up a whopping 80% of all website traffic by 2019. Video content is always more engaging and clicks bait worthy than its printed counterparts. It can be used to present your brand in graphical mediums, explain any complex services offered by your brand perhaps using animation-based tools.

Or to simply introduce your team and build a feeling of familiarity video marketing is the best lead generation techniques in the list. Credibility can be superiorly boosted when you could get any client to pomp about your firm and how it solved their problem.

A webinar, on the other hand, is the online equivalent of a seminar which has educational motives. The key to a successful webinar is to select topics that are of great interest and value to your ideal target client.

Attendees of your webinars, tend to place their trust in your abilities and develop greater conviction to go with you for their needs as time passes, provided these webinars are of assured quality.


It may sound common and routinely, but blogging is still a powerful weapon in lead generation by creating a name and resounding image for a brand.

A blog can draw a lot of lucrative prospects to your site when it allows you to create a wide range of keyword-flush content that can be found in the search engines with ease. Additionally, a blog can empower the existing SEO strategy of your company.

Social Media

The advent of social media is something that no living breathing human is unaware of or unexposed to. As one can easily deduce that, online networking is capable of birthing the reputation and referrals associated with traditional business networking much faster and efficient than the older techniques.

The core of social media marketing is that emphasis is not laid on the choice of the platform but on the quality and reach of the networking you do. Obviously, the style of the content present may vary greatly from platform to platform like Twitter to LinkedIn or to Facebook but, it is still about making the solid connection with the right people and engaging in productive comradery.


Overall, lead generation is a vital requirement for any business to network effectively and be capable of flourishing in the competitive business world. Many marketing departments today are found to be allocating funds towards their lead generation strategies.

Companies imperatively need to find more creative ways to get recognized by customers and break through the deafening noise. Thus, optimizing your lead generation strategy could prove to be extremely worthwhile.



Joseph S

Interested in investing in early stage Start-ups. Expert in Websites, Digital Marketing, Software Devedopment