How Internet of Things (IoT) can be Future of Digital Marketing

Joseph S
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2018

IoT (Internet of Things) is an advanced computerization and analytics system which exploits networking, sensing, big data, and artificial intelligence technology to deliver complete systems for a product or service. It involves digital connectivity between the things using wireless communication technology to connect people, locations, and smart devices, etc. to the Internet world for sharing data.

It is the network of physical objects including devices, vehicles, electronics, software, sensors, connectivity, etc. The IoT includes object interaction by a method for controlling or decontrolling via remote access through a group of networks. Many companies are leveraging their strength in big data and analytics software to meet the requirements of several IoT applications.

By 2020, more than 50 billion devices all over the world will get connected to the Internet. Apart from computers, TV’s, and smartphones, the two-thirds of the digital space occupied by sensors, actuators, and other intelligent devices that will analyze, control, monitor, and optimize our world. There is a HubSpot blog which explains very nicely

IoT for smart marketing

Through extensive systems automation, IoT will bring revolution in manufacturing and logistics by corresponding production and commercialization with utilization examples of the end user. It brings all together with sensors, connectivity, cloud storage platform, analytics, artificial intelligence, etc., to transform the marketing models in this internet age, internet of things impact on marketing.

Some of the benefits IoT technology product offers are:-

  • Provides safety and high satisfaction
  • Make smart decisions for your business productivity
  • More revenue opportunities
  • Optimized with social media
  • Build relationships with peoples
  • Effective marketing techniques
  • Convenience and cost savings
  • Connect your products and services

internet of things digital marketing can be used for advertising inventories using IoT technology and computer algorithms to automate the selling and buying process purpose. IoT enables two-way communications between the brand and consumer, brand and object, user and object, and object and object. Marketing and advertising process is going to be a revolutionary change for the marketers and consumers, with the sensors placed on the Internet for a smarter way of marketing.

Impact on digital marketing

IoT is an effective marketing tool that can be used for e-commerce marketing, customer services, and big data analytics. With billions of devices connected to the Internet, IoT advertising has a significant role to play in digital marketing platform that helps you save time, effort and money in several ways. The Amazon tide button is an example where a user can place an online order for any product with their connected smartphones.

IoT in digital marketing helps in forming a direct connection between the customers and products, without the intervention from any third-party vendor.

Internet of things effect on marketing process delivers reliable metrics or patterns to analyze and respond to each customer needs. It also improves business productivity by providing relevant marketing solutions and customer experience. IoT is not only for enterprise, but every Businessman should use IoT to grow their market. You can read this blog by Peter Cooper — Senior Product Manager, Microsoft IoT

Why IoT is for every business, not just enterprise

IoT is all about sensors where live data is transmitted to the cloud network or servers for getting real-time data and feedback from your potential clients. And with lots of connected devices on the cloud system, digital marketers would have more access to information about their customers connected to several devices.

Data-driven marketing and real-time customer data for service, advertising and more By using data and analytics, we can advertise and market on various channels including social media sites, mobile marketing, videos, etc. The data-driven relationship will produce more connectivity leading to more data, relevant campaigns, and more customer engagement. You can read more on how the handling of data is done by using IoT

The Internet of Things is Not About “Things;” It’s About Data

IoT can be utilized to make an enormous store of vast information for advertisers and marketers to:

  • Analyze customer behavior across different platforms
  • Interact with the clients with various connected devices
  • Get an insight into the client’s buying process
  • Create targeted ads, send notifications and more
  • Provide better customer service


IoT increases customer expectations of comfort, and if your marketing does not take into account that aspect, then it’s worthless. Marketing must respond in like manner to guarantees and convey higher degrees of comfort to your potential clients. IoT in the field of digital marketing will help you create a seamless, interconnected multi-platform user experience like never before which will help you to increase your SEO.



Joseph S

Interested in investing in early stage Start-ups. Expert in Websites, Digital Marketing, Software Devedopment