Reasons Why You Need Live Chat for Your Business Website

Joseph S
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2018

Great customer experience makes it easy for the customers to get their problem solved quickly and made a good impression while communicating with them. Most of the companies that deliver great customer support see an increase in customer loyalty, which converts leads to higher sales.

With available customer support channels like phone, e-mail, social, etc., is helpful but can’t have a big impact on your business or your potential customers.

You must be aware of Live chat if you are not then let me tell you it is one of the most dynamic ways to communicate with your customers. Turn every interaction into a memorable experience with visitors on your website using Live Chat and build better relationships.

In the year 2020, many B2B companies are using live chat on their websites that not only convert leads into customers but also helps them solve their problems.

Does live chat increase sales?

The answer is yes! Live chat tool benefits not only the customers but also businesses that can increase sales, boost revenue and collect valuable consumer insights. You can also have a look at the benefits of live chat for customer service.

Here are four reasons why you need to have live chat for your business.

1) Responding Faster to a Lead or Potential Customer

Integrating live chat onto your website you can capture more potential leads by responding faster to their chats. Each visitor to your website should get an instant response about any products or services.

Drift is marketing, and sales platform found that there is a 10x decrease in lead conversion for businesses that go without a response in five minutes. Making your customers wait without any response for 15 minutes or more, you will lose all your potential leads.

Most of the visitors on your website don’t like waiting and want instant answers to their queries or problems. And if you delay responding then they will go to other websites increasing your bounce rate.

You can set up pre-formatted responses on your Live Chat tool for the most common questions from your visitors. Or you can set up shortcodes to access a canned response that works even faster. This saves your time and money with better results. You can check 15 Top Live Chat Software Solutions by crazyegg

2) Mitigate Customer Service Agents with Bots

Bots are really a powerful evolution in this digital age as it can conduct various automatic tasks and easily communicate with your clients. Using bot engine, you can get your very own chat bot for a live chat on your website.

The chatbot gives your agents more time to work on other things; it works after-hours and can take multiple chats at the same time and answer all of them. It helps keep your customers engaged by responding instantly.

All chats from the customers will go to the bot first, and if it can’t handle them, it will transfer to the chat agents for better response. Almost everyone is using bots on their live chat tool that offer easy solutions to your customer’s problems.

3) Get more Customer Insights

Live chat provides valuable data about your customer behavior, location, and the devices that help target your marketing and service efforts.

Most of the visitors leave your website due to bad support or not getting a proper answer about any product or services. But you can still get their data by using triggers or alerts to evaluate and offer suggestions for improving your customer service.

The ultimate goal for any business is to get to know the customers as people, not as buyers.
And offering seamless online chat support helps to know your customers and their interest in your product.

4) Expand Your Market Research

Live chat can help you expand your marketing opportunities by pushing targeted incentives and offers to your visitors. More than 79% of customers said that they prefer live chat because to get their questions answered quickly.

Many eCommerce websites have now added live chat service to provide a help desk to their customers, and answers in real time without making them wait for hours.

You can properly train and equip your live chat agents providing them the knowledge about your products and services. This helps to upsell or provides more information to the customers while making any purchase decisions.

Live chat also lets you expand your market reach in different areas, getting customers in any locality and region. This makes possible to gain more customers, more sales, more impressions, and more conversion rates for your business.


There are many live chat platforms available with lots of features that fit your business goals and objectives, many company benefits of live chat in today’s world. Live chat is one of the best tools you should implement on your website today as it is far much better than phone calls, e-mails, etc. If you want a live chat website that converts leads and increases sales, then BOOSTrust offers free live chat set up on your website.



Joseph S

Interested in investing in early stage Start-ups. Expert in Websites, Digital Marketing, Software Devedopment