Build Rapport in the Community and Lasting Connections with Prospective Talent through Hackathons

Bootcampers Collective, LLC is seeking partnerships with local software companies in Colorado through Hackathon event hosting and community mentorship.

Scott Bowman
Bootcampers Collective
2 min readOct 4, 2017


Founded in March 2017 as a group and community, Bootcampers Collective has grown to hosting educational, hands-on experiences in web development across the Denver and Boulder metro

Bootcampers Collective’s primary audience is Coding Bootcamp students and graduates as well as Self-taught and Experienced web and software developers looking for a challenge on the side.

Event Structure

The signature event structure is a short Hackathon event lasting 6–10 hours. We prepare new and experienced developers with an orientation 36 hours prior to the event. Typically hosted on the premises of the company in focus, attendees brainstorm, organize, design, and develop a community-focused and open-source application using agnostic front- and back-end technologies in Agile / Sprint hybrid teams.

The Opportunity

Host an event with us! Bootcampers Collective is flexible to your needs as an organization and adapts events to account for Denver and Boulder community.

  1. Hackathons are a great way to inspire and motivate your workforce.
  2. Hackathons can be adapted to serve the needs of your local community.
  3. Hackathons create tech that solves problems.
  4. Hackathons allow organizations to creatively demonstrate their products.
  5. Hackathons attract talented developers and allow your organization to evaluate their performance.
  6. Hackathons educate both experienced and inexperienced developers as they work together to solve a common problem and grows mentoring relationships.
  7. Hackathons inspire leadership among your Junior, Mid, and Senior developers. Who will step up?

Contact us

Bootcampers Collective is excited to partner with you for our next community Hackathon!

We are accepting inquiries and scheduling meetings with interested parties now. If interested, please contact Charlie Beck (CEO) at or Scott Bowman (CSO) at

