JavaScript Schooling at Bootcamps: A Game-changer

Asma M.A.
Published in
5 min readJan 1, 2020

It’s a world with a high demand of JavaScripters and a low supply of quality ones. Bootcamps are here to change that.

Need for changing the game?

Since you’re here, it is quite needless to point out that many alike you are studying their screens, trying to consume more and more information about JavaScript, and digging the internet to know how and where to start learning it. On the other hand, we have a different group of people who have long been through this stage, realized the significance of JavaScript, gotten intensive tutoring in it and are honing their expertise with time. This group is the answer to our question. With 94.5% of websites using JavaScript, the demand is evidently high and hence is the supply higher.

When there are so many players on the field, you need to make a lasting impact, go out of your way and perform par excellence to become the MVP.

Just like JavaScript is distinguished from other languages for its speed, simplicity, versatility and interoperability, you must also make a name for yourself as the JS programmer who works faster, better and much more efficiently than anyone out there. And that brings us to our next question…

Have Coding Bootcamps cracked the code?

How about we tell you how the training and assessment goes down in coding bootcamps and you can see yourself answering this question by the time we are done. Okay? Okay.

1 — Individual Observation

Majority of bootcamps believe in having smaller cohorts, and hence their instructors are able to give each bootcamper their fair share of time and training.

The more one’s skills receive individual nurturing, the sweeter the fruition is.

A rich interface with extended functionalities is a property of JavaScript that is most recognized, and hence programmers are required to understand how to organize code base effectively. This is achieved by understanding the core of JavaScript, to which an instructor gives extra significance.

2 — Apt training in Problem Solving and Computational Thinking

Though problem-solving is not a textbook skill which you learn by cramming few algorithms, it is still effectively inculcated in bootcampers at a very initial stage of the course. What makes this possible is the continuous and rigorous assignment of tasks to the bootcampers that require problem-solving skills. Computational thinking elseways is a spectrum consisting of decomposition of problems, analyzing repetitive patterns, abstracting data and designing algorithms. Bootcampers are made to practice all of this thoroughly day in and day out, and thus they gradually begin to master these essential skills.

3 — Hands-on training

Hands-on training is hands-down the most advantageous, rational and prime aspect of learning JavaScript (or any programming language for that matter). To be able to not only learn, write and clean your code, but also see its implementation in action gives you a fresh POV of your application/project. It assists in further maintenance of the application as it grows, and helps you avoid collapses effectively. These experiences also come in handy when working on your next projects.

Creating your first application is always a learning process, but bootcamps make sure that it is worthwhile as well.

But can’t JavaScript be self-taught?

Actually, everything from organic chemistry to calculus can be self-taught, but that’s not the question. The question is how well-taught?

Sure, you can start googling classes for JavaScript, 10 easy steps to learn JS, Tutorials to write JS code etc., but you will always find yourself wishing for 3 things:

1 — Customized Grooming

No matter how many pages you browse through or tutorials you watch, none of them will cater to exactly what you require, based on your present standing as a student. And so, time and again you’ll find yourself switching from one platform to another, from one website to another, trying to gather all the resources and answers that you need, and somehow try to manage consuming it systematically.

We don’t encourage you to #JoinABootcamp for nothing ;)

Coding Bootcamps first recognize each student’s position in the language and it’s fundamentals, and then take it from there making sure that they are neither overloading nor underestimating a student’s capacity. So much simpler, isnt it?

2 — Versatility and Updates

JavaScript is one language that has been continuously evolving, and since it can be embedded with languages such as PHP, Perl etc., its highly versatile as well. Keeping record of such continuous updation and inclusion can become an increasingly exhausting exercise, and to find and use not only the latest but the best techniques available can seem like an extremely complicated task.

On the contrary, coding bootcamps have all of this sorted, and very systematically planned. They are up and about in the tech industry, and they know exactly what you’re supposed to know and have perfect knowledge in.

3 — Recognition and networking

While a certificate of course completion also holds a significant amount of value, the recognition here implies to the acknowledgment of your scripting skills by experts. Not only does it validate your expertise gained during the course of your study, but it also makes your talent visible to important people. With multiple hackathons and meet-ups happening, you connect with prominent personalities from around the tech-world, who eventually play a vital role in your career growth, or even in your very own product launch.

A Coding Bootcamp is the genie who grants all your three wishes!

And the crux of the matter still remains, as the search for a fitting bootcamp is something you yet have to figure out, right? No worries! We’ll never leave you hanging. Let’s make sure we hunt down the Best Coding Bootcamp for you to learn JavaScript. All you need to do is,

Simply tell us what you’re looking for (by applying various filters on program type, payment type, location etc) and we’ll take it from there!

Make your 2020 resolution with us, to #JoinABootcamp and we promise you won’t regret!

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Happy Coding! :)

