You got 99 problems, and we got your back!

Asma M.A.
Published in
4 min readJan 10, 2020

Beginner or a hardcore programmer. We all have our challenges in acing what we are passionate about- coding. But way before you are faced with this challenge, you experience a defining moment of truth wherein you have to choose your Hogwarts (so, we call coding bootcamps the Hogwarts of TechCraft, read to get the full picture 😉).

For a long time now, coding bootcamps have not been the conventional route for learners, and that resulted in only scanty efforts at structuring their collective information database. When trying to find yourself a bootcamp, you’re almost like a wanderer looking for a place to settle ASAP. But that’s exactly what we don’t want you to do. We don’t want you to settle just for the sake of it. With thousands of bootcamps around the globe, multiple programs that they offer, varying time slots that are available and their locations — it amounts for too much information to consume, analyze and come to a decision.

An informed decision is productive, but an overwhelmed decision is counter-productive.

Also, misinformation.

That’s another horror story — you read a couple of dreamy, too-good-to-be-true reviews about certain bootcamps and make a mental note of it, without significantly doubting their credibility.

If your final decision eventually relies on such vague pointers (which most likely will be the case as there is lack of information), it’ll be too late before you realize that you got yourself surrounded with underwhelming mediocrity in the name of ‘intensive bootcamp training’.

Not being pessimistic, but that’s how it is these days. You can’t afford to waste your time by being at a wrong place (or unsuitable for your needs). Because you are one of these two if you’re looking to join a bootcamp — either a student who wants hands-on training, or someone wanting to head-start a career in tech. In both these cases, coding bootcamps are supposed to speedily provide you with a strong foundation in programming.

But since you’re excited, driven with passion, and want to learn coding ASAP, voilà! You discovered what bootcamps promise to do. So, with all that adrenaline rush, you will most likely apply to the first ‘appealing’ bootcamp you find. Ready to kick-start your coding career only to later realize what you could’ve done better. And oh, how much better!

Do you want to make scrutinizing-all-day a hobby?

And if you’re not a hasty decision-maker, rather a meticulous one, the situation may worsen! Because you will find yourself swimming around chunks of important and useless information all cluttered together.

Now go back a few months in this hypothetical situation — you haven’t picked out a school yet and are just about to begin searching for one. Imagine, if you had a guide handed to you then, with all the (useful) information on all the bootcamps— ALL. And the best ones would be picked out for you according to your preferences and the the bootcamp’s excellence in them. Wouldn’t something like this be super helpful? Well, well. Your wish is our command! is the answer to the question that you didn’t imagine.

That’s us!

We created to be a well-designed, simple to use and reliable search engine for people looking for coding bootcamps. The filters like (online/offline, part-time/full-time and many more!) do the trick - they match you with the perfect bootcamp and you begin with your coding journey rock solid!

Planing to learn programming? Visit us to experience a one-of-a-kind solution to all your problems!

Yours technically,


PS We just launched on PRODUCT HUNT

Check The Bootcamp Search Engine :

