Miguel Mercado
Bootcamp Sprint Design
4 min readMar 29, 2024

- Golf | Style | Leisure -

Golfing at your pace with a teacher… Let’s Bogey!

GOLF Enthusiast + GOLF Teachers = Bogeyland

Bogeyland was designed to revolutionize golf learning, several design ideas and processes needed to be established. Our primary focus was the user. After conducting a survey, we were able to pinpoint the main issues users encountered. Among the design methods employed during this analysis were the CSD matrix, MoSCoW method, interviews, competitor analysis, journey mapping, and affinity diagrams. Bogeyland aimed to revolutionize golf learning by connecting golfers of all skill levels with elite instructors, providing a platform to reserve classes and access premium golfing expertise, ultimately enhancing players’ game performance.

Design methods employed

CSD Matrix (Customer Satisfaction-Dissatisfaction): This matrix helps identify aspects of the user experience that customers are satisfied or dissatisfied with. By analyzing this, you can prioritize improvements that will have the most significant impact on user satisfaction.

MoSCoW method: This method helps prioritize features based on their importance — Must have, Should have, Could have, and Won’t have. It ensures that essential features are addressed first before moving on to less critical ones.

Interviews: Speaking directly with potential users allows you to gain insights into their needs, pain points, and preferences.

Competitor analysis: Understanding what other golf apps offer, their strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling points helps you identify opportunities for differentiation and improvement.

Journey Map: Mapping out the user’s journey from discovering Bogeyland to using its features and beyond helps identify touchpoints where the user experience can be enhanced or streamlined.

Affinity Diagram: This method helps organize and synthesize large amounts of qualitative data, such as user feedback from interviews, into themes or categories. It allows you to identify patterns and insights that inform the design process.

To create Bogeyland, we’ll adopt a user-centered design approach, prioritizing real needs and pain points within the golfing community. By focusing on users’ experiences and challenges, we aim to revolutionize golf learning and ensure the platform’s success.

What Bogeyland should be all about!

Must have:

  1. Booking process: Select instructor, location, and class.
  2. Payment confirmation for the selected class.
  3. Confirmation of booking.
  4. Option to add booking to Google or Outlook calendar.
  5. Access directions to facility or golf course, and instructor information.

Should have:

  1. Sorting and filtering options for class selection.
  2. Detailed user flow for booking classes.

Could have:

  1. Map displaying course layouts and hole availability.
  2. Personal progress or scoreboard section for tracking improvement.
  3. Refund policy details, especially for situations like bad weather.

Won’t have:

  1. Ability to reserve without payment.
  2. Mandatory account creation for booking.

Prioritizing features based on their importance and potential impact on user experience is crucial.

Bogey + Land

Design PHASE

After establishing the direction for Bogeyland, the design and interface process commenced. To refine and solidify the vision for Bogeyland, low-fidelity (lo-fi) and mid-fidelity (mid-fi) prototypes were created. These prototypes aimed to provide a clearer representation of the user interface and overall design elements of Bogeyland.

The low-fidelity prototypes served as initial sketches or wireframes, focusing on basic layout and structure without intricate details. These helped to outline the fundamental features and flow of Bogeyland’s interface.

Moving forward, mid-fidelity prototypes were developed to add more detail and realism to the design. These prototypes incorporated visual elements such as color schemes, typography, and basic functionality, offering a more comprehensive visualization of Bogeyland’s interface.

Design PHASE

Following the development of low-fidelity and mid-fidelity prototypes, the design process advanced to the creation of a high-fidelity (hi-fi) prototype for Bogeyland. The hi-fi prototype aimed to provide a polished and detailed representation of the user interface, incorporating refined visual elements, interactive components, and realistic content.

^^^ Bogeyland hi-fi prototype on figma ^^^

Bogeyland was created with a user-centric approach, keeping in mind that its target audience may not have a strong familiarity with golf. From the initial planning stages to the development of high-fidelity prototypes, every decision was guided by the goal of creating an accessible and intuitive experience for all users, regardless of their level of expertise in the sport.

