“Empowering Fitness: Case Study of ToneTime — A Personalized Workout Companion”

Miguel Velazquez Candelario
Bootcamp Sprint Design
4 min readApr 7, 2024
Photo by Alexander Jawfox on Unsplash


ToneTime is a fitness application designed to provide users with access to pre-made workouts, reminders for exercise sessions, and hydration tracking. With a user-friendly interface and tailored features, ToneTime aims to enhance users’ fitness journeys by simplifying workout planning and ensuring they stay hydrated throughout the day.

My Role & Timeline:

  • My Role
    • UI & UX Design
    • Interviewer
    • Researcher
  • Timeline
    • Overall: 1.5 week
    • Discovery & Research: 0.5 weeks
    • Design Cloning & testing: 1.0 weeks

**Problem Statement:**

Many individuals struggle to stay consistent with their fitness routines due to a lack of time, motivation, or knowledge of effective workouts. Additionally, staying hydrated is often overlooked but crucial for overall health and fitness progress.


ToneTime addresses these challenges by offering a comprehensive solution that includes:

1. Pre-made Workouts: ToneTime provides a library of professionally curated workouts targeting various fitness levels, goals, and preferences. Users can choose from strength training, cardio, yoga, and other workout types, ensuring they find routines suitable for their needs.

2. Reminders: The app sends personalized reminders to users, prompting them to complete scheduled workouts based on their selected frequency and preferences. These reminders help users stay accountable and consistent with their exercise routines.

3. Water Drinking Reminders: ToneTime incorporates hydration tracking features, allowing users to set and receive reminders to drink water throughout the day. By promoting proper hydration, the app enhances users’ overall health and supports their fitness goals.

4. Progress Tracking: Users can track their workout history, hydration intake, and progress over time within the app. This feature enables users to monitor their achievements, stay motivated, and make informed adjustments to their fitness regimen.

5. Customization Options: ToneTime offers customization options, allowing users to personalize their workout plans, set goals, and adjust reminders according to their preferences and schedules.


Business & Competitive Analysis

I made a chart briefly showing industry trends, Fonts, Colors & Styles. The goal is to gain insights to make strategic decision.

Stakeholder Interview & Surveys

I interviewed 2 people to know what they value the most is premade workouts and remminders.

Empathy Map

I made an empathy mapm to organize and categorize large amounts of user information into related groups. It helps in identifying patterns, themes, and relationships among diverse concepts, facilitating effective problem-solving and decision-making processes.

User Persona

To further empathize with our user base, I created a User Persona named Jimmy. This persona is a representation of the users interviewed and posses their characteristics and goals. Creating the persona, we are able to understand our user more to empathize further with them. This persona is a good way to promote a user-centered design process.

Ideation Phase

I explored various ideas, through sketching low-fi’s using Crazy 8's.

Low-fi Wireframes:

Hi-fi Wireframes & Prototypes:

Taking into consideration the predominant ideas from the ideation phase and sketches, a high fidelity prototype was made. After completing each evaluated idea these where the wireframes that remained in the prototype:


With the app Maze, the wireframes on Figma were linked into 2 task.

Clicking all the categories from left to right to the cart.

Interacting from the account creation to starting a workout.

According to the prototype testing users, 6 out of 10 stated that the app was easy to navigate. The last task wasn’t very clear for two users, resulting in the potential of future improvements.

Learning Curve

Finding solutions via designing the user experience is an adventure with many obstacles. However with the proper information and the use of wireframes an app was crafted for the users. While there are many ways to design a webpage, the approach was shaped by insights from users, and the use of introductive tools. Tackling these complex challenges has been a rewarding experience. With this foundation I’m confident that future projects will be more useful and exciting.



Miguel Velazquez Candelario
Bootcamp Sprint Design

I'm a Junior UX/UI Designer driven with creativity and passion to craft exceptional digital experiences with a knack for innovation and a keen eye for details.