Ironhack’s Prework — Mistral Cedanio_Challenge1

Mistral Cedanio
Bootcamp Sprint Design
5 min readFeb 5, 2024

Citymapper is an application dedicated to providing public transit routes and maps to users in multiple different cities. The app was founded in 2011, servicing London and New York, with the purpose of making traveling on public transportation more efficient for its users. Currently, the app provides public transit navigation services to 100 cities worldwide. Depending on the destination, Citymapper gives the user a variety of route options. It takes into consideration all available methods of public transportation in the city it’s being used in. It has the ability combine these to provide time-efficient, multimodal route options to the user. Additionally, it feeds the user live updates and relevant information about their route.

Part I: Empathize

where we gather information about the user and get to know who they are.

We paint a picture of who they are by posing different questions about the project and preparing an interview questionnaire to present to the users.

Interview Questionnaire

  1. Please describe an experience in which you’ve used public transportation.
  2. Where were you headed? Describe the route.
  3. What types of public transportation do you use or have you used before?
  4. How often do you use public transportation?
  5. Please describe what method(s) you would employ to acquire or purchase tickets to use public transportation.
  6. How has your experience been purchasing public transportation tickets?
  7. What is your preferred method of purchasing tickets for public transportation?
  8. How would you improve the experience of purchasing public transit tickets?
  9. Describe a negative experience you’ve had purchasing public transit tickets.
  10. What methods do you use to navigate public transportation systems?
  11. Please name any public transit software that you use to find/preview the route to your destination.
  12. Describe a positive experience you’ve had using public transportation apps.
  13. Describe a negative experience you’ve had using public transportation apps.
  14. What do you like about the Citymapper app?
  15. What would you change about the Citymapper app?
  16. Guide me through your most frequent public transport commute step by step.
  17. How do you navigate public transport when traveling abroad/cities other than your own?

Part II: Define

where we gather our findings from user research to determine the problem we’re solving.

User Research Findings

The main problem identified from the user interviews is that replenishing public transportation cards seems to be an outdated process. Users would like for the process to be more efficient and automated. They don’t like going through the hassle of finding that their card has insufficient balance at the time of using it, then having to load it, and potentially missing their bus or train (or just having to stop to do this whatsoever). Users don’t want to be inconvenienced and want the experience of using public transit to be as easy and accessible to them as possible.

From our findings, our problem statement would be —

Users are unable to purchase public transportation tickets requiring different/multiple modes of transport in one single transaction.

The problem that needs to be solved is that users don’t currently have an option to purchase public transportation tickets for multimodal routes in one single transaction. Tickets are purchased through each respective public transportation form, which can feel redundant to them. Public transit travelers would like more efficient ways to purchase their route tickets. It is not ideal for them to have to resort to various different purchasing methods to arrive at their final destination.

Part III: Ideate —

where we look for possible solutions to our problem scenario.

How Might We?

Mind Map

Possible Solutions

This problem can be solved by allowing users to purchase all tickets for their multimodal routes through one single portal on the Citymapper app. When searching for routes on Citymapper, it shows the user how much each one will cost them. Once the user selects and previews their preferred route, the app will display a button with the option to Add to cart.

After adding the route to the cart, users will be able to review route details and directions. In the Cart Check Out page, they can opt to Delete, go Back to select another route or Confirm to check out. Once the route is confirmed, the user’s public transportation card will be replenished with the needed balance for the trip.

For multimodal trips, the app will distribute the reloaded amount to the different public transit passes respectively as required for the trip. It will give the user confirmation of the transaction and display the available balance for each public transit card that was reloaded. This solution will provide public transportation users a more efficient, single-transaction alternative to purchasing public transit tickets.

Part IV: Prototype —

where we take our ideas and insight from research and put them on paper through sketching.

Sketched wireframes of different screens in the Citymapper app, including our new proposed solution. Depicts the start screen to search for routes.
Different iterations of available routes/search results screens. Ultimately selected the one on the left.

Key Takeaways

  • There are not many options to acquiring public transportation tickets
  • The technology to purchase public transit tickets is often antiquated
  • People who use public transportation like to be prepared for what they might encounter on their commute
  • Users, especially commuters, value their time very highly and prefer to avoid inconveniences
  • People opt for user-friendly interfaces that are easy and efficient to interact with



Mistral Cedanio
Bootcamp Sprint Design

UX/UI designer dedicated to creating seamless, human-centered experiences.