Cookbooks & Draft Recipes: What’s New on Bootkik — November 2018

Travis Parker Martin
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2018

On November 2nd, we officially launched Bootkik, our platform featuring step-by-step guidance from business experts, authors, and professors across North America. Our vision is that Bookik becomes a global platform where anyone can access the expertise of others, and easily turn that knowledge into action in their daily lives.

Along those lines, there are three core aspects to Bootkik:

  • Experts share their step-by-step guidance
  • Entrepreneurs, small business owners, and anyone wanting to grow in their business implements this guidance
  • Experts receive feedback on their impact

Every day at Bootkik we review user journeys, survey responses, and Amplitude data to find opportunities to make our system more intuitive, and to optimize the above three core functions of Bootkik. Thanks to feedback from our users, I’m excited to announce some significant updates to Bootkik, less than a month after launch.

Introducing: Cookbooks

We all love a good chocolate chip cookie recipe, but it’s the chefs that know how to curate a collection of incredible recipes around a specific (but tasty!) theme that have a special place in our hearts and space on our bookshelves.

Likewise on Bootkik, we’re introducing Cookbooks, collections of step-by-step recipes, organized around a certain idea or topic. As you can see with our example below, Cookbooks are a great way to provide extra context, or address a larger subject area, while still ensuring every piece of guidance is actionable.

Cookbooks can feature recipes from multiple authors, either from yourself or the community!

At Bootkik, we’re relentlessly focused on helping business owners make progress by turning expertise into action. We’re excited to see how experts around the world will use Cookbooks to gather their knowledge and experience around one central location, and share it with the community!

Save Drafts & Edit Recipes

Housing years of expertise and into a simple, step-by-step guide is valuable, but not easy! We wanted to smooth out this process by allowing creators to chunkify* recipe creation, in the same way they chunkify business milestones into small, bite-sized pieces.

(* — our application to have “chunkify” trademarked is still pending)

As of this week, recipe creators can easily save drafts throughout the creation process, and jump back in at any time. This makes it easy to bring your experience and insights to the Bootkik community at a pace that fits your schedule. In addition, no need to fear losing your progress! Recipes auto-save throughout the creation process, so a computer crash or accidental click won’t inhibit your ability to guide entrepreneurs and business owners around the world.

Minor Updates

A key priority for the Bootkik team is the ability to take in user feedback and rapidly iterate the product based on what we’re hearing from experts, entrepreneurs, and partners. Alongside the above updates, here are a few more improvements we’ve made since we launched earlier this month.

  • Recipe Repeat — encountered a recipe so nice, you want to complete it twice? Now you can! Thanks to beta feedback, this week’s update gives users the ability to add a recipe multiple times, and hop in between tasks, even once they’ve been marked as complete.
  • Instant Progress — we’ve streamlined the process of discovering a recipe and putting it into action. Clicking on any task, when viewing a recipe, instantly jumps you into a Learn Task or Do Task, so you can implement the creator’s step-by-step guidance into action.

Bootkik will continue to evolve week-by-week, as we work to build a platform that easily equips entrepreneurs and small business owners with the ability hit business milestones and implement the expertise of others. If you have any questions or suggestions on how to improve Bootkik, fire me an e-mail at — it’d be great to chat!



Travis Parker Martin

Co-Founder and VP of Product at KnowHow. My time is spent building startups, studying productivity, and reading. &