The true impact of a learning event is measured by the real-world action it enables.

Leighton Healey
Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2018

One of the things that we believe at Bootkik is that the real impact of a learning event should be measured by the real-world action it enables. Complete learning equips for doing. Today, a learning provider’s finish line is shifting to meet the needs and expectations of learners. Learners today expect to be equipped for action, not only educated and inspired. As a result, learning providers are seeking a tool to help them satisfy these new expectations.

Knowledge acquisition to knowledge application.

The same belief that inspired us to start Bootkik, is the same belief that inspires our team today, the belief that humans don’t need another platform optimized and designed to help them acquire knowledge, rather, humans need a platform optimized and designed to help them apply knowledge. This belief evolved into a bold vision, and in pursuit of this vision we ventured out and built the world’s best ‘do’ platform. We are of the opinion that humanity is largely well served when it comes to current and emerging tools, services and products built to help a human deepen their learning on a given topic. Our societies have built robust learning institutions and the internet is bursting with services that are making learning increasingly more accessible and consumable — this is all very positive and we have high praise for the progress achieved in these areas. But, we believe that the effectiveness of institutions and service providers purposed towards helping humans acquire learning, and the way in which their impact will be quantified will be determined less by traditional learning objectives and more by evidence of real-world application. In light of this coming future, we built Bootkik to be a tool that learning providers can use to ensure that an action plan accompanies every learning objective.

An invitation for learning providers.

If you currently provide learning to humans, and you experience deep reward when the light of understanding appears in the eyes of your learners, I invite you to experience the delight that comes from transforming learners into doers.

Remember, complete learning equips for doing.

